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IJournal Interface

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Represents a journal component.

Namespace:  ITHit.Collab.Calendar
Assembly:  ITHit.Collab (in ITHit.Collab.dll) Version: (
public interface IJournal : IComponent

The IJournal type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttachments
Gets document objects associated with the calendar component.
Public propertyAttendees
Gets attendees associated with the calendar component.
Public propertyCategories
Gets categories for the calendar component.
Public propertyClass
Gets or sets access classification for a calendar component.
Public propertyComments
Gets list of explanatory texts associated with the calendar component.
Public propertyComponents
Dictionary of all calendar components. Empty for card object.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public propertyContacts
Gets contact information or alternately a reference to contact information associated with the calendar component.
Public propertyContainer
Gets parent component or null if this is a top-level component.
Public propertyCreatedUtc
Gets or sets the date and time in UTC when the calendar information was created by the calendar user agent in the calendar store.
Public propertyDateTimeStampUtc
Gets or sets date-time stamp. Always in UTC.
Public propertyDelimiter
Object delimiter such as VCARD, VCALENDAR, VEVENT, VTODO, etc
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public propertyExceptionDateTimes
Gets date and time exceptions information for recurring calendar component. Provides access to "EXDATE" properties list.
Public propertyLastModifiedUtc
Gets or sets the date and time in UTC that the information associated with the calendar component was last revised in the calendar store.
Public propertyOrganizer
Gets or sets an organizer of the event.
Public propertyProperties
Dictionary of all business card or calendar properties.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public propertyRecurrenceDateTimes
Gets date and time information for recurring calendar component. Provides access to "RDATE" properties list.
Public propertyRecurrenceId
Gets or sets a reference to a specific instance of a recurring event.
Public propertyRecurrenceRule
Gets or sets the rule or repeating pattern for recurring events.
Public propertyRelatedTo
Gets or sets a relationship or reference between this calendar component and another.
Public propertyRequestStatuses
Gets status codes returned in response to a scheduling request.
Public propertySequence
Gets or sets the revision sequence number of the calendar component within a sequence of revisions.
Public propertyStart
Gets or sets the inclusive start of the event. For recurring events or to-do, it also specifies the very first instance in the recurrence set. The time could be "floating" time, time related to time zone, or time in UTC.
Public propertyStatus
Gets or sets overall status or confirmation for the event calendar component.
Public propertySummary
Gets or sets a short summary or subject for the calendar component.
Public propertyUid
Gets or sets the persistent, globally unique identifier for the calendar component.
Public propertyUrl
Gets or sets the URL associated with this calendar component.
Public methodAddProperty
Adds property to Properties list. The property must be created by created by CreateRawProperty call.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public methodCreateCustomComponent
Creates a component that can be added to the list of components of this object.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public methodCreateRawProperty
Creates property that can be added to the list of properties of this object.
(Inherited from IComponent.)

All properties of this component are optional except Uid and DateTimeStampUtc properties.

See Also