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ICalendar2CreateMethodProp Method (String)

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Creates IMethod property from string value. Returns null if value parameter is null. Assign the value returned by this method to Method property.

Namespace:  ITHit.Collab.Calendar
Assembly:  ITHit.Collab (in ITHit.Collab.dll) Version: (
IMethod CreateMethodProp(
	string value


Type: SystemString
String property value. If null is passed, this method returns null.

Return Value

Type: IMethod
Object implementing IMethod or null if value parameter is null.
This method does NOT throws any exceptions if no MethodType is found that match the passed value. Instead the new StatusType is created in this case with Name being set to the value passed. The Number is set to default value (-1) in this case.
See Also