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ICalendar2CreateRecurrenceIdProp Method

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Creates IRecurrenceId property. Returns null if dateTime parameter is null. Assign the value returned by this method to RecurrenceId property.

Namespace:  ITHit.Collab.Calendar
Assembly:  ITHit.Collab (in ITHit.Collab.dll) Version: (
IRecurrenceId CreateRecurrenceIdProp(
	Nullable<DateTime> dateTime,
	string timeZoneId,
	bool allDay,
	bool isThisAndFuture


Type: SystemNullableDateTime
Date and time. If null is passed, this method returns null.
Type: SystemString
Time zone ID. Pass "UTC" if UTC time must be specified. Pass null if "floating" time must be specified.
Type: SystemBoolean
Pass true for all-day events and to-do. The time part in dateTime will be ignored in this case.
Type: SystemBoolean
Pass true if "RANGE" parameter should be added with "THISANDFUTURE" value to indicate a range defined by the given recurrence instance and all subsequent instances.

Return Value

Type: IRecurrenceId
Object implementing IRecurrenceId or null if dateTime parameter is null.
See Also