Namespace: ITHit.WebDAV.Server.CardDav
The ICardFile type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() ![]() | ContentLength |
Gets the size of the file content in bytes.
(Inherited from IContent.) |
![]() ![]() | ContentType |
Gets the media type of the file.
(Inherited from IContent.) |
![]() ![]() | Created |
Gets the creation date of the item in repository expressed as the coordinated universal time (UTC).
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.) |
![]() ![]() | Etag |
Gets entity tag - string that identifies current state of resource's content.
(Inherited from IContent.) |
![]() ![]() | Modified |
Gets the last modification date of the item in repository expressed as the coordinated universal time (UTC).
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.) |
![]() ![]() | Name |
Gets the name of the item in repository.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.) |
![]() ![]() | Path |
Unique item path in the repository relative to storage root.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.) |
Name | Description | |
![]() ![]() | CopyToAsync |
Creates a copy of this item with a new name in the destination folder.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.) |
![]() ![]() | DeleteAsync |
Deletes this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.) |
![]() ![]() | GetPropertiesAsync |
Gets values of all properties or selected properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.) |
![]() ![]() | GetPropertyNamesAsync |
Gets names of all properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.) |
![]() ![]() | MoveToAsync |
Moves this item to the destination folder under a new name.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.) |
![]() ![]() | ReadAsync |
Reads the file content from the repository and writes it to the specified stream.
(Inherited from IContent.) |
![]() ![]() | UpdatePropertiesAsync |
Adds, modifies and removes properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.) |
![]() ![]() | WriteAsync |
Saves the content of the file from the specified stream to the storage repository.
(Inherited from IContent.) |
The code below is part of 'CardDAVServer.SqlStorage.AspNet' C# & VB samples provided with the SDK.
public class CardFile : DavHierarchyItem, ICardFile { public static string Extension = ".vcf"; public static async Task<IEnumerable<ICardFile>> LoadByAddressbookFolderIdAsync(DavContext context, Guid addressbookFolderId, PropsToLoad propsToLoad) { // propsToLoad == PropsToLoad.Minimum -> Typical GetChildren call by iOS, Android, eM Client, etc CardDAV clients // [Summary] is typically not required in GetChildren call, // they are extracted for demo purposes only, to be displayed in Ajax File Browser. // propsToLoad == PropsToLoad.All -> Bynari call, it requires all props in GetChildren call. if (propsToLoad != PropsToLoad.Minimum) throw new NotImplementedException("LoadByAddressbookFolderIdAsync is implemented only with PropsToLoad.Minimum."); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [AddressbookFolderId] = @AddressbookFolderId AND [AddressbookFolderId] IN (SELECT [AddressbookFolderId] FROM [card_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId)"; //sql = string.Format(sql, GetScPropsToLoad(propsToLoad)); return await LoadAsync(context, sql, "@UserId" , context.UserId , "@AddressbookFolderId", addressbookFolderId); } public static async Task<IEnumerable<ICardFile>> LoadByFileNamesAsync(DavContext context, IEnumerable<string> fileNames, PropsToLoad propsToLoad) { // Get IN clause part with list of file UIDs for SELECT. string selectIn = string.Join(", ", fileNames.Select(a => string.Format("'{0}'", a)).ToArray()); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0}) AND [AddressbookFolderId] IN (SELECT [AddressbookFolderId] FROM [card_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId)"; if(propsToLoad==PropsToLoad.All) { sql += @";SELECT * FROM [card_Email] WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT UID FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0})) ;SELECT * FROM [card_Address] WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT UID FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0})) ;SELECT * FROM [card_InstantMessenger] WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT UID FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0})) ;SELECT * FROM [card_Telephone] WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT UID FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0})) ;SELECT * FROM [card_Url] WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT UID FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0})) ;SELECT * FROM [card_CustomProperty] WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT UID FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE [FileName] IN ({0})) AND [ClientAppName] = @ClientAppName"; } sql = string.Format(sql, selectIn); return await LoadAsync(context, sql, "@UserId", context.UserId , "@ClientAppName", AppleCardInteroperability.GetClientAppName(context.Request.UserAgent)); } private static async Task<IEnumerable<ICardFile>> LoadAsync(DavContext context, string sql, params object[] prms) { IList<ICardFile> items = new List<ICardFile>(); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (SqlDataReader reader = await context.ExecuteReaderAsync(sql, prms)) { DataTable cards = new DataTable(); cards.Load(reader); DataTable emails = new DataTable(); if (!reader.IsClosed) emails.Load(reader); DataTable addresses = new DataTable(); if (!reader.IsClosed) addresses.Load(reader); DataTable instantMessengers = new DataTable(); if (!reader.IsClosed) instantMessengers.Load(reader); DataTable telephones = new DataTable(); if (!reader.IsClosed) telephones.Load(reader); DataTable urls = new DataTable(); if (!reader.IsClosed) urls.Load(reader); DataTable cardCustomProperties = new DataTable(); if (!reader.IsClosed) cardCustomProperties.Load(reader); stopWatch.Stop(); context.Engine.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("SQL took: {0}ms", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); foreach (DataRow rowCardFile in cards.Rows) { DataRow[] rowsEmails = new DataRow[0]; DataRow[] rowsAddresses = new DataRow[0]; DataRow[] rowsInstantMessengers = new DataRow[0]; DataRow[] rowsTelephones = new DataRow[0]; DataRow[] rowsUrls = new DataRow[0]; DataRow[] rowsCustomProperties = new DataRow[0]; string uid = rowCardFile.Field<string>("UID"); if (emails.Columns["UID"] != null) { string filter = string.Format("UID = '{0}'", uid); rowsEmails = emails.Select(filter); rowsAddresses = addresses.Select(filter); rowsInstantMessengers = instantMessengers.Select(filter); rowsTelephones = telephones.Select(filter); rowsUrls = urls.Select(filter); rowsCustomProperties = cardCustomProperties.Select(filter); } string fileName = rowCardFile.Field<string>("FileName"); items.Add(new CardFile(context, fileName, rowCardFile, rowsEmails, rowsAddresses, rowsInstantMessengers, rowsTelephones, rowsUrls, rowsCustomProperties)); } } return items; } public static CardFile CreateCardFile(DavContext context, Guid addressbookFolderId, string fileName) { CardFile cardFile = new CardFile(context, fileName, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); cardFile.addressbookFolderId = addressbookFolderId; return cardFile; } private readonly string fileName = null; private readonly DataRow rowCardFile = null; private readonly DataRow[] rowsEmails = null; private readonly DataRow[] rowsAddresses = null; private readonly DataRow[] rowsInstantMessengers = null; private readonly DataRow[] rowsTelephones = null; private readonly DataRow[] rowsUrls = null; private readonly DataRow[] rowsCustomProperties = null; private bool isNew { get { return addressbookFolderId != Guid.Empty; } } private int paramIndex = 0; private Guid addressbookFolderId = Guid.Empty; public override string Name { get { return rowCardFile.Field<string>("FormattedName"); } } public override string Path { get { Guid addressbookFolderId = rowCardFile.Field<Guid>("AddressbookFolderId"); string fileName = rowCardFile.Field<string>("FileName"); return string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}{3}", AddressbooksRootFolder.AddressbooksRootFolderPath, addressbookFolderId, fileName, Extension); } } public string Etag { get { byte[] bETag = rowCardFile.Field<byte[]>("ETag"); return BitConverter.ToUInt64(bETag.Reverse().ToArray(), 0).ToString(); // convert timestamp value to number } } public override DateTime Created { get { return rowCardFile.Field<DateTime>("CreatedUtc"); } } public override DateTime Modified { get { return rowCardFile.Field<DateTime>("ModifiedUtc"); } } public long ContentLength { get { return -1; } } public string ContentType { get { return "text/vcard"; } } private CardFile(DavContext context, string fileName, DataRow rowCardFile, DataRow[] rowsEmails, DataRow[] rowsAddresses, DataRow[] rowsInstantMessengers, DataRow[] rowsTelephones, DataRow[] rowsUrls, DataRow[] rowsCustomProperties) : base(context) { this.fileName = fileName; this.rowCardFile = rowCardFile; this.rowsEmails = rowsEmails; this.rowsAddresses = rowsAddresses; this.rowsInstantMessengers = rowsInstantMessengers; this.rowsTelephones = rowsTelephones; this.rowsUrls = rowsUrls; this.rowsCustomProperties = rowsCustomProperties; } public async Task<bool> WriteAsync(Stream stream, string contentType, long startIndex, long totalFileSize) { //Set timeout to maximum value to be able to upload large card files. System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = int.MaxValue; string vCard; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { vCard = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } // Typically the stream contains a single vCard. IEnumerable<IComponent> cards = new vFormatter().Deserialize(vCard); ICard2 card = cards.First() as ICard2; // Card file UID which is equal to file name (??). // The type is used to uniquely identify the object that the vCard represents. The "uuid" URN namespace defined in // [RFC4122] is particularly well-suited to this task, but other URI schemes MAY be used. string uid = card.Uid?.Text ?? "UID:urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Check if this CardDAV client application requires properties conversion. if (AppleCardInteroperability.NeedsConversion(Context.Request.UserAgent)) { AppleCardInteroperability.Normalize(card); } // The client app name is stored in DB to update and extract only custom props created by the client making a request. string clientAppName = AppleCardInteroperability.GetClientAppName(Context.Request.UserAgent); // Save data to [card_CardFile] table. await WriteCardFileAsync(Context, card, addressbookFolderId, isNew, uid, clientAppName); // Save emails. await WriteEmailsAsync(Context, card.Emails, uid, clientAppName); // Save addresses. await WriteAddressesAsync(Context, card.Addresses, uid, clientAppName); // Save telephones. await WriteTelephonesAsync(Context, card.Telephones, uid, clientAppName); // Save URLs await WriteUrlsAsync(Context, card.Urls, uid, clientAppName); // Save instant messengers. vCard 3.0+ only ICard3 card3 = card as ICard3; if (card3 != null) { await WriteInstantMessengersAsync(Context, card3.InstantMessengers, uid, clientAppName); } return true; } private async Task WriteCardFileAsync(DavContext context, ICard2 card, Guid addressbookFolderId, bool isNew, string uid, string clientAppName) { string sql; if (isNew) { sql = @"IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [card_Access] WHERE [AddressbookFolderId]=@AddressbookFolderId AND [UserId]=@UserId AND [Write]=1) INSERT INTO [card_CardFile] ( [UID] , [AddressbookFolderId] , [FileName] , [Version] , [Product] , [FormattedName] , [FamilyName] , [GivenName] , [AdditionalNames] , [HonorificPrefix] , [HonorificSuffix] , [Kind] , [Nickname] , [Photo] , [PhotoMediaType] , [Logo] , [LogoMediaType] , [Sound] , [SoundMediaType] , [Birthday] , [Anniversary] , [Gender] , [RevisionUtc] , [SortString] , [Language] , [TimeZone] , [Geo] , [Title] , [Role] , [OrgName] , [OrgUnit] , [Categories] , [Note] , [Classification] ) VALUES ( @UID , @AddressbookFolderId , @FileName , @Version , @Product , @FormattedName , @FamilyName , @GivenName , @AdditionalNames , @HonorificPrefix , @HonorificSuffix , @Kind , @Nickname , @Photo , @PhotoMediaType , @Logo , @LogoMediaType , @Sound , @SoundMediaType , @Birthday , @Anniversary , @Gender , @RevisionUtc , @SortString , @Language , @TimeZone , @Geo , @Title , @Role , @OrgName , @OrgUnit , @Categories , @Note , @Classification )"; } else { // We can only update record in [card_CardFile] table. // There is no way to update [card_Email], [card_Address], [card_InstantMessenger], [card_Telephone] and [card_Url] // tables for existing card, we must delete all records for this UID and recreate. // We can keep custom props in [card_CustomProperty] table if they were created by a different CardDAV client. // [ModifiedUtc] field update triggers [ETag] field update which is used for synchronyzation. sql = @"IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE FileName=@FileName AND [AddressbookFolderId] IN (SELECT [AddressbookFolderId] FROM [card_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId AND [Write] = 1)) BEGIN UPDATE [card_CardFile] SET [ModifiedUtc] = @ModifiedUtc , [Version] = @Version , [Product] = @Product , [FormattedName] = @FormattedName , [FamilyName] = @FamilyName , [GivenName] = @GivenName , [AdditionalNames] = @AdditionalNames , [HonorificPrefix] = @HonorificPrefix , [HonorificSuffix] = @HonorificSuffix , [Kind] = @Kind , [Nickname] = @Nickname , [Photo] = @Photo , [PhotoMediaType] = @PhotoMediaType , [Logo] = @Logo , [LogoMediaType] = @LogoMediaType , [Sound] = @Sound , [SoundMediaType] = @SoundMediaType , [Birthday] = @Birthday , [Anniversary] = @Anniversary , [Gender] = @Gender , [RevisionUtc] = @RevisionUtc , [SortString] = @SortString , [Language] = @Language , [TimeZone] = @TimeZone , [Geo] = @Geo , [Title] = @Title , [Role] = @Role , [OrgName] = @OrgName , [OrgUnit] = @OrgUnit , [Categories] = @Categories , [Note] = @Note , [Classification] = @Classification WHERE [UID] = @UID ; DELETE FROM [card_Email] WHERE [UID] = @UID ; DELETE FROM [card_Address] WHERE [UID] = @UID ; DELETE FROM [card_InstantMessenger] WHERE [UID] = @UID ; DELETE FROM [card_Telephone] WHERE [UID] = @UID ; DELETE FROM [card_Url] WHERE [UID] = @UID ; DELETE FROM [card_CustomProperty] WHERE [UID] = @UID AND (([ClientAppName] = @ClientAppName) OR ([ParentId] != [UID]) OR ([ClientAppName] IS NULL)) END"; } // [ClientAppName] = @ClientAppName -> delete all custom props created by this client. // [ParentId] != [UID] -> delete all custom params from multiple props: EMAIL, ADR, TEL, IMPP. Keep custom params for any single props in [card_Card]. // [ClientAppName] IS NULL -> delete all custom props created by some unknown CardDAV client. if (await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(sql, "@UID" , uid // UID , "UserId" , context.UserId , "@AddressbookFolderId", addressbookFolderId // used only when inserting , "@FileName" , fileName // In case of CardDAV a file name is sypically a GUID, but it is different from UID. , "@ModifiedUtc" , DateTime.UtcNow , "@Version" , card.Version.Text // VERSION , "@Product" , card.ProductId?.Text // PRODID , "@FormattedName" , card.FormattedNames.PreferedOrFirstProperty.Text // FN Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@FamilyName" , card.Name.FamilyName // N , "@GivenName" , card.Name.GivenName // N , "@AdditionalNames", card.Name.AdditionalNamesList // N , "@HonorificPrefix", card.Name.HonorificPrefix // N , "@HonorificSuffix", card.Name.HonorificSuffix // N , "@Kind" , (card as ICard4)?.Kind?.Text // KIND (vCard 4.0) , "@Nickname" , (card as ICard3)?.NickNames.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Values.First() // NICKNAME (vCard 3.0+) Here we assume only 1 prop with 1 value for the sake of simplicity. , CreateVarBinaryParam("@Photo", card.Photos.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Base64Data) // PHOTO Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@PhotoMediaType" , card.Photos.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.MediaType // PHOTO TYPE param , CreateVarBinaryParam("@Logo", card.Logos.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Base64Data) // LOGO Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@LogoMediaType" , card.Logos.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.MediaType // LOGO TYPE param , CreateVarBinaryParam("@Sound", card.Sounds.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Base64Data) // SOUND Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@SoundMediaType" , card.Sounds.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.MediaType // SOUND TYPE param , new SqlParameter("@Birthday" , card.BirthDate?.Value?.DateVal ?? DBNull.Value as object) { SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime2 } // BDAY , new SqlParameter("@Anniversary", (card as ICard4)?.Anniversary?.Value?.DateVal ?? DBNull.Value as object) { SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime2 } // ANNIVERSARY (vCard 4.0) , "@Gender" , (card as ICard4)?.Gender?.Sex // GENDER (vCard 4.0) , "@RevisionUtc" , card.Revision?.Value.DateVal // REV , "@SortString" , card.SortString?.Text // SORT-STRING , "@Language" , (card as ICard4)?.ContactLanguages.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Text // LANG (vCard 4.0) Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@TimeZone" , card.TimeZones.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Text // TZ , "@Geo" , null // GEO , "@Title" , card.Titles.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Text // TITLE , "@Role" , card.Roles.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Text // ROLE , "@OrgName" , card.Organizations.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Name // ORG Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@OrgUnit" , card.Organizations.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Units?.First() // ORG Here we assume only 1 prop with 1 unit value for the sake of simplicity. , "@Categories" , ListToString<string>((card as ICard3)?.Categories.Select(x => ListToString<string>(x.Values, ",")), ";") // CATEGORIES (vCard 3.0+) , "@Note" , card.Notes.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Text // NOTE Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@Classification" , (card as ICard3)?.Classes.PreferedOrFirstProperty?.Text // CLASS Here we assume only 1 prop for the sake of simplicity. , "@ClientAppName" , clientAppName // Used to keep custom props created by this CardDAV client when updated by other CardDAV clients. ) < 1) { throw new DavException("Item not found or you do not have enough permissions to complete this operation.", DavStatus.FORBIDDEN); } // Save custom properties and parameters of this component to [card_CustomProperty] table. string customPropsSqlInsert; List<object> customPropsParamsInsert; if (PrepareSqlCustomPropertiesOfComponentAsync(card, uid, uid, clientAppName, out customPropsSqlInsert, out customPropsParamsInsert)) { await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(customPropsSqlInsert, customPropsParamsInsert.ToArray()); } } private static string ListToString<T>(IEnumerable<T> arr, string separator = ",") { if ((arr == null) || !arr.Any()) return null; return string.Join<T>(separator, arr); } private static SqlParameter CreateVarBinaryParam(string parameterName, string base64) { SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(parameterName, SqlDbType.VarBinary); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64)) { // To insert NULL to VARBINARY column, SqlParameter must be passed with Size=-1 and Value=DBNull.Value. param.Size = -1; param.Value = DBNull.Value; } else { byte[] content = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); param.Size = content.Length; param.Value = content; } return param; } private async Task WriteEmailsAsync(DavContext context, ITextPropertyList<IEmail2> emails, string uid, string clientAppName) { string sql = @"INSERT INTO [card_Email] ( [EmailId] , [UID] , [Type] , [Email] , [PreferenceLevel] , [SortIndex] ) VALUES {0}"; List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>(); List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] { "@UID", uid }); int i = 0; foreach (IEmail2 email in emails) { valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @EmailId{0} , @UID , @Type{0} , @Email{0} , @PreferenceLevel{0} , @SortIndex{0} )", i)); Guid emailId = Guid.NewGuid(); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@EmailId" +i, emailId //, "@UID" , "@Type" +i, ListToString<EmailType>(email.Types) // EMAIL TYPE param , "@Email" +i, email.Text // EMAIL VALUE , "@PreferenceLevel" +i, GetPrefParameter(email) // EMAIL PREF param , "@SortIndex" +i, email.RawProperty.SortIndex // Property position in vCard. }); // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [card_CustomProperty] table. string customPropSqlInsert; List<object> customPropParametersInsert; if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("EMAIL", email.RawProperty, emailId.ToString(), uid, clientAppName, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert)) { sql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert; parameters.AddRange(customPropParametersInsert); } i++; } if (i > 0) { await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray()); } } private async Task WriteAddressesAsync(DavContext context, ICardPropertyList<IAddress2> addresses, string uid, string clientAppName) { string sql = @"INSERT INTO [card_Address] ( [AddressId] , [UID] , [Type] , [PoBox] , [AppartmentNumber] , [Street] , [Locality] , [Region] , [PostalCode] , [Country] , [PreferenceLevel] , [SortIndex] ) VALUES {0}"; List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>(); List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] { "@UID", uid }); int i = 0; foreach (IAddress2 address in addresses) { valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @AddressId{0} , @UID , @Type{0} , @PoBox{0} , @AppartmentNumber{0} , @Street{0} , @Locality{0} , @Region{0} , @PostalCode{0} , @Country{0} , @PreferenceLevel{0} , @SortIndex{0} )", i)); Guid addressId = Guid.NewGuid(); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@AddressId" +i, addressId //, "@UID" , "@Type" +i, ListToString<AddressType>(address.Types) // ADR TYPE param gma warning disable 0618 , "@PoBox" +i, address.PoBox.FirstOrDefault() , "@AppartmentNumber" +i, address.AppartmentNumber.FirstOrDefault() gma warning restore 0618 , "@Street" +i, address.Street.FirstOrDefault() , "@Locality" +i, address.Locality.FirstOrDefault() , "@Region" +i, address.Region.FirstOrDefault() , "@PostalCode" +i, address.PostalCode.FirstOrDefault() , "@Country" +i, address.Country.FirstOrDefault() , "@PreferenceLevel" +i, GetPrefParameter(address) // ADR PREF param , "@SortIndex" +i, address.RawProperty.SortIndex // Property position in vCard. }); // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [card_CustomProperty] table. string customPropSqlInsert; List<object> customPropParametersInsert; if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("ADR", address.RawProperty, addressId.ToString(), uid, clientAppName, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert)) { sql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert; parameters.AddRange(customPropParametersInsert); } i++; } if (i > 0) { await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray()); } } private async Task WriteInstantMessengersAsync(DavContext context, ITextPropertyList<IInstantMessenger3> instantMessengers, string uid, string clientAppName) { string sql = @"INSERT INTO [card_InstantMessenger] ( [InstantMessengerId] , [UID] , [Type] , [InstantMessenger] , [PreferenceLevel] , [SortIndex] ) VALUES {0}"; List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>(); List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] { "@UID", uid }); int i = 0; foreach (IInstantMessenger3 instantMessenger in instantMessengers) { valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @InstantMessengerId{0} , @UID , @Type{0} , @InstantMessenger{0} , @PreferenceLevel{0} , @SortIndex{0} )", i)); Guid instantMessengerId = Guid.NewGuid(); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@InstantMessengerId" +i, instantMessengerId //, "@UID" , "@Type" +i, ListToString<MessengerType>(instantMessenger.Types) // IMPP TYPE param , "@InstantMessenger" +i, instantMessenger.Text // IMPP VALUE , "@PreferenceLevel" +i, GetPrefParameter(instantMessenger) // IMPP PREF param , "@SortIndex" +i, instantMessenger.RawProperty.SortIndex // Property position in vCard. }); // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [card_CustomProperty] table. string customPropSqlInsert; List<object> customPropParametersInsert; if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("IMPP", instantMessenger.RawProperty, instantMessengerId.ToString(), uid, clientAppName, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert)) { sql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert; parameters.AddRange(customPropParametersInsert); } i++; } if (i > 0) { await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray()); } } private async Task WriteTelephonesAsync(DavContext context, ITextPropertyList<ITelephone2> telephones, string uid, string clientAppName) { string sql = @"INSERT INTO [card_Telephone] ( [TelephoneId] , [UID] , [Type] , [Telephone] , [PreferenceLevel] , [SortIndex] ) VALUES {0}"; List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>(); List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] { "@UID", uid }); int i = 0; foreach (ITelephone2 telephone in telephones) { valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @TelephoneId{0} , @UID , @Type{0} , @Telephone{0} , @PreferenceLevel{0} , @SortIndex{0} )", i)); Guid telephoneId = Guid.NewGuid(); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@TelephoneId" +i, telephoneId //, "@UID" , "@Type" +i, ListToString<TelephoneType>(telephone.Types)// TEL TYPE param , "@Telephone" +i, telephone.Text // TEL VALUE , "@PreferenceLevel" +i, GetPrefParameter(telephone) // TEL PREF param , "@SortIndex" +i, telephone.RawProperty.SortIndex // Property position in vCard. }); // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [card_CustomProperty] table. string customPropSqlInsert; List<object> customPropParametersInsert; if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("TEL", telephone.RawProperty, telephoneId.ToString(), uid, clientAppName, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert)) { sql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert; parameters.AddRange(customPropParametersInsert); } i++; } if (i > 0) { await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray()); } } private async Task WriteUrlsAsync(DavContext context, ICardPropertyList<ICardUriProperty2> urls, string uid, string clientAppName) { string sql = @"INSERT INTO [card_Url] ( [UrlId] , [UID] , [Type] , [Url] , [PreferenceLevel] , [SortIndex] ) VALUES {0}"; List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>(); List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] { "@UID", uid }); int i = 0; foreach (ICardUriProperty2 url in urls) { valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @UrlId{0} , @UID , @Type{0} , @Url{0} , @PreferenceLevel{0} , @SortIndex{0} )", i)); Guid urlId = Guid.NewGuid(); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@UrlId" +i, urlId //, "@UID" , "@Type" +i, ListToString<ExtendibleEnum>(url.Types) // TEL TYPE param , "@Url" +i, url.Text // URL VALUE , "@PreferenceLevel" +i, GetPrefParameter(url) // URL PREF param , "@SortIndex" +i, url.RawProperty.SortIndex // Property position in vCard. }); // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [card_CustomProperty] table. string customPropSqlInsert; List<object> customPropParametersInsert; if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("URL", url.RawProperty, urlId.ToString(), uid, clientAppName, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert)) { sql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert; parameters.AddRange(customPropParametersInsert); } i++; } if (i > 0) { await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray()); } } private static byte? GetPrefParameter(ICardMultiProperty prop) { ICardMultiProperty4 prop4 = prop as ICardMultiProperty4; if(prop4 == null) { return prop.IsPrefered ? (byte?)1 : null; } return (byte?)prop4.PreferenceLevel; } private bool PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty(string propName, IRawProperty prop, string parentId, string uid, string clientAppName, out string sql, out List<object> parameters) { sql = @"INSERT INTO [card_CustomProperty] ( [ParentId] , [UID] , [ClientAppName] , [PropertyName] , [ParameterName] , [Value] , [SortIndex] ) VALUES {0}"; List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>(); parameters = new List<object>(); int origParamsCount = parameters.Count(); // Custom properties are one of the following: // - props that start with "X-". This is a standard-based approach to creating custom props. // - props that has "." in its name. Typically "item1.X-PROP". Such props are created by iOS and OS X. bool isCustomProp = propName.StartsWith("X-", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || propName.Contains("."); string paramName = null; // Save custom prop value. if (isCustomProp) { string val = prop.RawValue; valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @ParentId{0} , @UID{0} , @ClientAppName{0} , @PropertyName{0} , @ParameterName{0} , @Value{0} , @SortIndexParam{0} )", paramIndex)); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@ParentId" + paramIndex, parentId , "@UID" + paramIndex, uid // Added for performance optimization purposes. , "@ClientAppName" + paramIndex, clientAppName // Client app name that created this custom property. , "@PropertyName" + paramIndex, propName , "@ParameterName" + paramIndex, paramName // null is inserted to mark prop value. , "@Value" + paramIndex, val , "@SortIndexParam" + paramIndex, prop.SortIndex // Property position in vCard. }); paramIndex++; } // Save parameters and their values. foreach (Parameter param in prop.Parameters) { paramName = param.Name; // For standard properties we save only custom params (that start with 'X-'). All standard params go to their fields in DB. // For custom properies we save all params. if (!isCustomProp && !paramName.StartsWith("X-", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) continue; foreach (string value in param.Values) { string val = value; valuesSql.Add(string.Format(@"( @ParentId{0} , @UID{0} , @ClientAppName{0} , @PropertyName{0} , @ParameterName{0} , @Value{0} , @SortIndexParam{0} )", paramIndex)); parameters.AddRange(new object[] { "@ParentId" + paramIndex, parentId , "@UID" + paramIndex, uid // added for performance optimization purposes , "@ClientAppName" + paramIndex, clientAppName// Client app name that created this custom parameter. , "@PropertyName" + paramIndex, propName , "@ParameterName" + paramIndex, paramName , "@Value" + paramIndex, val , "@SortIndexParam" + paramIndex, null // Property position in vCard. Null is inserted for parameter values. }); paramIndex++; } } if (origParamsCount < parameters.Count()) { sql = string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())); return true; } return false; } private bool PrepareSqlCustomPropertiesOfComponentAsync(IComponent component, string parentId, string uid, string clientAppName, out string sql, out List<object> parameters) { sql = ""; parameters = new List<object>(); // We save only single custom props here, multiple props are saved in other methods. string[] multiProps = new string[] { "EMAIL", "ADR", "IMPP", "TEL", "URL" }; // Properties in IComponent.Properties are grouped by name. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IList<IRawProperty>> pair in component.Properties) { if (multiProps.Contains(pair.Key.ToUpper()) || (pair.Value.Count != 1)) continue; string sqlInsert; List<object> parametersInsert; if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty(pair.Key, pair.Value.First(), parentId, uid, clientAppName, out sqlInsert, out parametersInsert)) { sql += "; " + sqlInsert; parameters.AddRange(parametersInsert); } } return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql); } public override async Task DeleteAsync(MultistatusException multistatus) { string sql = @"DELETE FROM [card_CardFile] WHERE FileName=@FileName AND [AddressbookFolderId] IN (SELECT [AddressbookFolderId] FROM [card_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId AND [Write] = 1)"; if(await Context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(sql, "@UserId" , Context.UserId , "@FileName" , fileName) < 1) { throw new DavException("Item not found or you do not have enough permissions to complete this operation.", DavStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } public async Task ReadAsync(Stream output, long startIndex, long count) { string vCardVersion = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Version"); ICard2 card = CardFactory.CreateCard(vCardVersion); ReadCard(card); ReadEmails(card.Emails, rowsEmails); ReadAddresses(card.Addresses, rowsAddresses); ReadTelephones(card.Telephones, rowsTelephones); ReadUrls(card.Urls, rowsUrls); // IMPP is vCard 3.0 & 4.0 prop ICard3 card3 = card as ICard3; if (card3 != null) { ReadMessengers(card3.InstantMessengers, rowsInstantMessengers); } // Check if this CardDAV client application requires properties conversion. if (AppleCardInteroperability.NeedsConversion(Context.Request.UserAgent)) { // In case of iOS & OS X the props below must be converted to the following format: // item2.TEL:(222)222 - 2222 // item2.X-ABLabel:Emergency AppleCardInteroperability.Denormalize(card); } new vFormatter().Serialize(output, card); } private void ReadCard(ICard2 card) { string uid = rowCardFile.Field<string>("UID"); //UID card.Uid = card.CreateTextProp(uid); // PRODID card.ProductId = card.CreateTextProp("-//IT Hit//Collab Lib//EN"); // FN card.FormattedNames.Add(rowCardFile.Field<string>("FormattedName")); // N card.Name = card.CreateNameProp( rowCardFile.Field<string>("FamilyName"), rowCardFile.Field<string>("GivenName"), rowCardFile.Field<string>("AdditionalNames"), rowCardFile.Field<string>("HonorificPrefix"), rowCardFile.Field<string>("HonorificSuffix")); // PHOTO if (!rowCardFile.IsNull("Photo")) { card.Photos.Add(Convert.ToBase64String(rowCardFile.Field<byte[]>("Photo")), rowCardFile.Field<string>("PhotoMediaType"), false); } // LOGO if (!rowCardFile.IsNull("Logo")) { card.Photos.Add(Convert.ToBase64String(rowCardFile.Field<byte[]>("Logo")), rowCardFile.Field<string>("LogoMediaType"), false); } // SOUND if (!rowCardFile.IsNull("Sound")) { card.Photos.Add(Convert.ToBase64String(rowCardFile.Field<byte[]>("Sound")), rowCardFile.Field<string>("SoundMediaType"), false); } // BDAY DateTime? birthday = rowCardFile.Field<DateTime?>("Birthday"); if (birthday != null) { card.BirthDate = card.CreateDateProp(birthday.Value, DateComponents.Date); } // REV DateTime? revision = rowCardFile.Field<DateTime?>("RevisionUtc"); if (revision != null) { card.Revision = card.CreateDateProp(revision.Value); } // SORT-STRING string sortString = rowCardFile.Field<string>("SortString"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortString)) { ITextProperty2 propSortString = card.CreateProperty<ITextProperty2>(); propSortString.Text = sortString; card.SortString = propSortString; } // TZ string timeZone = rowCardFile.Field<string>("TimeZone"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeZone)) { card.TimeZones.Add(timeZone); } // GEO // TITLE string title = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Title"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { card.Titles.Add(title); } // ROLE string role = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Role"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(role)) { card.Roles.Add(role); } // ORG string orgName = rowCardFile.Field<string>("OrgName"); string orgUnit = rowCardFile.Field<string>("OrgUnit"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnit)) { IOrganization2 propOrg = card.Organizations.CreateProperty(); propOrg.Name = orgName; propOrg.Units = new[] { orgUnit }; card.Organizations.Add(propOrg); } // NOTE string note = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Note"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(note)) { card.Notes.Add(note); } // vCard v3.0 & v4.0 props if (card is ICard3) { ICard3 card3 = card as ICard3; // NICKNAME string nickname = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Nickname"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickname)) { INickname3 propNickname = card3.NickNames.CreateProperty(); propNickname.Values = new[] { nickname }; card3.NickNames.Add(propNickname); } // CATEGORIES string categories = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Categories"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categories)) { string[] aCategories = categories.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string categoryList in aCategories) { ICategories3 catProp = card3.Categories.CreateProperty(); catProp.Values = categoryList.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); card3.Categories.Add(catProp); } } // CLASS string classification = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Classification"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(classification)) { card3.Classes.Add(classification); } } // vCard v4.0 props if (card is ICard4) { ICard4 card4 = card as ICard4; // KIND string kind = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Kind"); if (kind != null) { IKind4 propKind = card4.CreateProperty<IKind4>(); propKind.Text = kind; card4.Kind = propKind; } // ANNIVERSARY DateTime? anniversary = rowCardFile.Field<DateTime?>("Anniversary"); if (anniversary != null) { IAnniversary4 propAnniversary = card4.CreateProperty<IAnniversary4>(); propAnniversary.Value = new Date(anniversary.Value, DateComponents.Month | DateComponents.Date); card4.Anniversary = propAnniversary; } // GENDER string gender = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Gender"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gender)) { IGender4 propGender = card4.CreateProperty<IGender4>(); propGender.Text = gender; card4.Gender = propGender; } // LANG string language = rowCardFile.Field<string>("Language"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) { card4.ContactLanguages.Add(language); } } // Get custom properties and custom parameters IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsCardCustomProperties = rowsCustomProperties.Where(x => x.Field<string>("ParentId") == uid); ReadCustomProperties(card, rowsCardCustomProperties); } private void ReadEmails(ITextPropertyList<IEmail2> emails, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsEmails) { foreach (DataRow rowEmail in rowsEmails) { IEmail2 email = emails.CreateProperty(); email.Text = rowEmail.Field<string>("Email"); // EMAIL value email.Types = ParseType<EmailType>(rowEmail.Field<string>("Type")); // TYPE param SetPrefParameter(email, rowEmail.Field<byte?>("PreferenceLevel")); // PREF param email.RawProperty.SortIndex = rowEmail.Field<int>("SortIndex"); // Property position in vCard. AddParamValues(rowEmail.Field<Guid>("EmailId"), email.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [card_CustomProperty] table. emails.Add(email); } } private void ReadAddresses(ICardPropertyList<IAddress2> addresses, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsAddresses) { foreach (DataRow rowAddress in rowsAddresses) { IAddress2 address = addresses.CreateProperty(); address.SetAddress( new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("PoBox") }, new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("AppartmentNumber")}, new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("Street")}, new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("Locality")}, new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("Region")}, new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("PostalCode")}, new[] { rowAddress.Field<string>("Country")}, ParseType<AddressType>(rowAddress.Field<string>("Type"))); // ADR value and TYPE param SetPrefParameter(address, rowAddress.Field<byte?>("PreferenceLevel")); // PREF param address.RawProperty.SortIndex = rowAddress.Field<int>("SortIndex"); // Property position in vCard. AddParamValues(rowAddress.Field<Guid>("AddressId"), address.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [card_CustomProperty] table. addresses.Add(address); } } private void ReadMessengers(ITextPropertyList<IInstantMessenger3> messengers, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsMessengers) { foreach (DataRow rowMessenger in rowsMessengers) { IInstantMessenger3 messenger = messengers.CreateProperty(); messenger.Text = rowMessenger.Field<string>("InstantMessenger"); // IMPP value messenger.Types = ParseType<MessengerType>(rowMessenger.Field<string>("Type")); // TYPE param SetPrefParameter(messenger, rowMessenger.Field<byte?>("PreferenceLevel")); // PREF param messenger.RawProperty.SortIndex = rowMessenger.Field<int>("SortIndex"); // Property position in vCard. AddParamValues(rowMessenger.Field<Guid>("InstantMessengerId"), messenger.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [card_CustomProperty] table. messengers.Add(messenger); } } private void ReadTelephones(ITextPropertyList<ITelephone2> telephones, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsTelephones) { foreach (DataRow rowTelephone in rowsTelephones) { ITelephone2 telephone = telephones.CreateProperty(); telephone.Text = rowTelephone.Field<string>("Telephone"); // TEL value telephone.Types = ParseType<TelephoneType>(rowTelephone.Field<string>("Type")); // TYPE param SetPrefParameter(telephone, rowTelephone.Field<byte?>("PreferenceLevel")); // PREF param telephone.RawProperty.SortIndex = rowTelephone.Field<int>("SortIndex"); // Property position in vCard. AddParamValues(rowTelephone.Field<Guid>("TelephoneId"), telephone.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [card_CustomProperty] table. telephones.Add(telephone); } } private void ReadUrls(ICardPropertyList<ICardUriProperty2> urls, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsUrls) { foreach (DataRow rowUrl in rowsUrls) { ICardUriProperty2 url = urls.CreateProperty(); url.Text = rowUrl.Field<string>("Url"); // URL value url.Types = ParseType<ExtendibleEnum>(rowUrl.Field<string>("Type")); // TYPE param SetPrefParameter(url, rowUrl.Field<byte?>("PreferenceLevel")); // PREF param url.RawProperty.SortIndex = rowUrl.Field<int>("SortIndex"); // Property position in vCard. AddParamValues(rowUrl.Field<Guid>("UrlId"), url.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [card_CustomProperty] table. urls.Add(url); } } private static void SetPrefParameter(ICardMultiProperty prop, byte? preferenceLevel) { if (preferenceLevel != null) { ICardMultiProperty4 prop4 = prop as ICardMultiProperty4; if (prop4 == null) { // vCard 2.1 & 3.0 prop.IsPrefered = true; } else { // vCard 4.0 prop4.PreferenceLevel = preferenceLevel.Value; } } } private static T[] ParseType<T>(string typesList) where T : ExtendibleEnum, new() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typesList)) { string[] aStrTypes = typesList.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); return aStrTypes.Select(x => StringToEnum<T>(x)).ToArray(); } return new T[] { }; } private static void ReadCustomProperties(IComponent component, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsCustomProperies) { foreach (DataRow rowCustomProperty in rowsCustomProperies) { string propertyName = rowCustomProperty.Field<string>("PropertyName"); IRawProperty prop; if (!component.Properties.ContainsKey(propertyName)) { prop = component.CreateRawProperty(); component.AddProperty(propertyName, prop); } else { prop = component.Properties[propertyName].FirstOrDefault(); } string paramName = rowCustomProperty.Field<string>("ParameterName"); string value = rowCustomProperty.Field<string>("Value"); if (paramName == null) { // If ParameterName is null the Value contains property value prop.RawValue = value; prop.SortIndex = rowCustomProperty.Field<int>("SortIndex"); // Property position in vCard. } else { prop.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(paramName, value)); } } } private void AddParamValues(Guid propertyId, IRawProperty prop) { IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsCustomParams = rowsCustomProperties.Where(x => x.Field<string>("ParentId") == propertyId.ToString()); foreach (DataRow rowCustomParam in rowsCustomParams) { string paramName = rowCustomParam.Field<string>("ParameterName"); string paramValue = rowCustomParam.Field<string>("Value"); prop.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(paramName, paramValue)); } } private static T StringToEnum<T>(string value) where T : ExtendibleEnum, new() { if (value == null) return null; T res; if (!ExtendibleEnum.TryFromString<T>(value, out res)) { // If no matching value is found create new ExtendibleEnum or type T // with specified string value and default numeric value (-1). res = new T(); res.Name = value; } return res; } }