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FreeBusyType Properties

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference

The FreeBusyType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberBusy
Represents a busy time. Indicates that the time interval is busy because one or more events have been scheduled for that interval. String value is "BUSY", integer value is 2.
Public propertyStatic memberBusyTentative
Represents a busy-tentative time. Indicates that the time interval is busy because one or more events have been tentatively scheduled for that interval. String value is "BUSY-TENTATIVE", integer value is 4.
Public propertyStatic memberBusyUnavailable
Represents a busy-unavailable time. Indicates that the time interval is busy and that the interval can not be scheduled. String value is "BURY-UNAVAILABLE", integer value is 3.
Public propertyStatic memberFree
Represents a free time. Indicates that the time interval is free for scheduling. String value is "FREE", integer value is 1.
Public propertyName
Gets the string representation of the enum value.
(Inherited from ExtendibleEnum.)
Public propertyNumber
Gets the integer representation of the enum value. Default is -1.
(Inherited from ExtendibleEnum.)
See Also