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ParticipationRoleType Properties

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference

The ParticipationRoleType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberChair
Indicates chair of the calendar entity. String value is "CHAIR", integer value is 1.
Public propertyName
Gets the string representation of the enum value.
(Inherited from ExtendibleEnum.)
Public propertyStatic memberNonParticipant
Indicates a participant who is copied for information purposes only. String value is "NON-PARTICIPANT", integer value is 4.
Public propertyNumber
Gets the integer representation of the enum value. Default is -1.
(Inherited from ExtendibleEnum.)
Public propertyStatic memberOptionalParticipant
Indicates a participant whose participation is optional. String value is "OPT-PARTICIPANT", integer value is 3.
Public propertyStatic memberRequiredParticipant
Indicates a participant whose participation is required. String value is "REQ-PARTICIPANT", integer value is 2.
See Also