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ParticipationStatusToDoType Properties

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference

The ParticipationStatusToDoType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAccepted
A to-do is accepted.
Public propertyStatic memberCompleted
A to-do is completed.
Public propertyStatic memberDeclined
A to-do is declined.
Public propertyStatic memberDelegated
A to-do is delegated.
Public propertyStatic memberInProgress
A to-do is in-progress.
Public propertyName
Gets the string representation of the enum value.
(Inherited from ExtendibleEnum.)
Public propertyStatic memberNeedsAction
A to-do needs action.
Public propertyNumber
Gets the integer representation of the enum value. Default is -1.
(Inherited from ExtendibleEnum.)
Public propertyStatic memberTentative
A to-do tentatively accepted.
See Also