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IFileAsyncGetVersionsAsync Method

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Retrieves list of all versions for this file.

Namespace:  ITHit.WebDAV.Client
Assembly:  ITHit.WebDAV.Client (in ITHit.WebDAV.Client.dll) Version: 2.0.420.0
Task<IVersionAsync[]> GetVersionsAsync()

Return Value

Type: TaskIVersionAsync
Array of all version objects implementing IVersionAsync for this file.
UnauthorizedExceptionRequest is not authorized.
NotFoundExceptionThis resource doesn't exist on the server.
WebDavHttpExceptionServer returned unknown error.
WebDavExceptionIn case of any unexpected error.
You can read version content and request properties as you usually do for files but you cannot update content or properties. If no versions found for the file, an empty array will be returned.
The following example demonstrates how to list file versions.
string license = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf...
WebDavSessionAsync session = new WebDavSessionAsync(license);
session.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("User1", "pwd");

IFileAsync file = await session.OpenFileAsync(new Uri("http://server/directory/file.docx"));
IVersionAsync[] versions = await file.GetVersionsAsync();
foreach (IVersionAsync version in versions)
See Also