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ICalendarFile Interface

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Represents calendar file.

Namespace:  ITHit.WebDAV.Server.CalDav
Assembly:  ITHit.WebDAV.Server (in ITHit.WebDAV.Server.dll) Version: 13.3.13068
public interface ICalendarFile : ICalendarItem, 
	IFile, IHierarchyItem, IHierarchyItemBase, IContent

The ICalendarFile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleContentLength
Gets the size of the file content in bytes.
(Inherited from IContent.)
Public propertyCode exampleContentType
Gets the media type of the file.
(Inherited from IContent.)
Public propertyCode exampleCreated
Gets the creation date of the item in repository expressed as the coordinated universal time (UTC).
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.)
Public propertyCode exampleEtag
Gets entity tag - string that identifies current state of resource's content.
(Inherited from IContent.)
Public propertyCode exampleModified
Gets the last modification date of the item in repository expressed as the coordinated universal time (UTC).
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.)
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets the name of the item in repository.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.)
Public propertyCode examplePath
Unique item path in the repository relative to storage root.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItemBase.)
Public methodCode exampleCopyToAsync
Creates a copy of this item with a new name in the destination folder.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleDeleteAsync
Deletes this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleGetPropertiesAsync
Gets values of all properties or selected properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleGetPropertyNamesAsync
Gets names of all properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleMoveToAsync
Moves this item to the destination folder under a new name.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleReadAsync
Reads the file content from the repository and writes it to the specified stream.
(Inherited from IContent.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdatePropertiesAsync
Adds, modifies and removes properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleWriteAsync
Saves the content of the file from the specified stream to the storage repository.
(Inherited from IContent.)
Items of this type will return content returned from ReadAsync(Stream, Int64, Int64) method in calendar-data CalDAV property. This is the marker interface, it does not provide any methods or properties in addition to methods and properties provided by IFile and ICalendarItem interfaces. Calendar file contains definition of the calendar resource in the iCalendar format.

The code below is part of 'CalDAVServer.SqlStorage.AspNet' C# & VB samples provided with the SDK.

// +--- Calendar file [UID1].ics ---------+
// |                                      |
// |  +-- Time zone component ---------+  | -- Time zones are are not stored in DB, they are generated automatically 
// |  | TZID: Zone X                   |  |    during serialization, based on TZIDs found in event or to-do.
// |  | ...                            |  |
// |  +--------------------------------+  |
// |                                      |
// |  +-- Time zone component ---------+  |
// |  | TZID: Zone Y                   |  | -- Time zone IDs could be either IANA (Olson) IDs or System (Windows) IDs.
// |  | ...                            |  |
// |  +--------------------------------+  |
// |  ...                                 |
// |                                      |
// |                                      |
// |  +-- Event component -------------+  | -- Event / do-do components are stored in [cal_EventComponent] table.
// |  | UID: [UID1]                    |  |    
// |  | RRULE: FREQ=DAILY              |  | 
// |  | SUMMARY: Event A               |  |
// |  | ...                            |  |
// |  +--------------------------------+  |
// |                                      |
// |  +-- Event component -------------+  | -- In case of recurring events/to-dos there could be more than one component
// |  | UID: [UID1]                    |  |    per file. All event/to-do components within a single calendar file share
// |  | RECURRENCE-ID: 20151028        |  |    the same UID but have different RECURRENCE-IDs. 
// |  | SUMMARY: Instance 5 of Event A |  |    
// |  | ...                            |  |    iOS / OS X UIDs are case sensitive (uppercase GUIDs).
// |  +--------------------------------+  |    Bynari WebDAV Collaborator for MS Outlook UIDs are over 100 chars in length.
// |  ...                                 |
// |                                      |
// |                                      |
// +--------------------------------------+
//    +-- Event component -------------+
//    |                                |
//    | UID: [UID1]                    | 
//    | SUMMARY: Event A               |
//    | START: 20151016T080000         |
//    | RRULE: FREQ=DAILY              |
//    | ...                            |
//    |                                |
//    | EXDATE: 20151018T080000        | -- Recurrence exception dates are stored in [cal_RecurrenceException] table.
//    | EXDATE: 20151020T080000        |
//    | ...                            |
//    |                                |
//    | ATTENDEE:     | -- Attendees are stored in [cal_Attendee] table.
//    | ATTENDEE:       |
//    | ...                            |
//    |                                |
//    | ATTACH: /9j/4VGuf+Sw...        | -- Attachments are stored in [cal_Attachment] table.
//    | ATTACH: https://serv/file.docx |
//    | ...                            |
//    |                                |
//    |  +-- Alarm Component -------+  | -- Alarms are stored in [cal_Alarm] table.
//    |  | ACTION: DISPLAY          |  |
//    |  | ...                      |  |
//    |  +--------------------------+  |
//    |                                |
//    |  +-- Alarm Component -------+  |
//    |  | ACTION: EMAIL            |  |
//    |  | ...                      |  |
//    |  +--------------------------+  |
//    |  ...                           |
//    |                                |
//    +--------------------------------+

public class CalendarFile : DavHierarchyItem, ICalendarFile
    public static string Extension = ".ics";

    public static async Task<IEnumerable<ICalendarFile>> LoadByCalendarFolderIdAsync(DavContext context, Guid calendarFolderId, PropsToLoad propsToLoad)
        // propsToLoad == PropsToLoad.Minimum -> Typical GetChildren call by iOS, Android, eM Client, etc CalDAV clients
        // [Summary] is typically not required in GetChildren call, 
        // they are extracted for demo purposes only, to be displayed in Ajax File Browser.

        // propsToLoad == PropsToLoad.All -> Bynari call, it requires all props in GetChildren call.

        if (propsToLoad != PropsToLoad.Minimum)
            throw new NotImplementedException("LoadByCalendarFolderIdAsync is implemented only with PropsToLoad.Minimum.");

        string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [cal_CalendarFile] 
                       WHERE [CalendarFolderId] = @CalendarFolderId
                       AND [CalendarFolderId] IN (SELECT [CalendarFolderId] FROM [cal_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId)

                      ;SELECT [UID], [Summary] FROM [cal_EventComponent] 
                       WHERE [UID] IN (SELECT [UID] FROM [cal_CalendarFile] 
                                       WHERE [CalendarFolderId] = @CalendarFolderId)";

        sql = string.Format(sql, GetScPropsToLoad(propsToLoad));

        return await LoadAsync(context, sql,
              "@UserId"             , context.UserId
            , "@CalendarFolderId"   , calendarFolderId);

    public static async Task<IEnumerable<ICalendarFile>> LoadByUidsAsync(DavContext context, IEnumerable<string> uids, PropsToLoad propsToLoad)
        // Get IN clause part with list of file UIDs for SELECT.
        string selectIn = string.Join(", ", uids.Select(a => string.Format("'{0}'", a)).ToArray());

        string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [cal_CalendarFile] 
                       WHERE [UID] IN ({1})
                       AND [CalendarFolderId] IN (SELECT [CalendarFolderId] FROM [cal_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId)";

            // Here we do not select attachments content because it could be very large,
            // we only set [ContentExists] flag marking that it should be loaded during IContent.ReadAsync call.
            sql += @";SELECT * FROM [cal_EventComponent]      WHERE [UID] IN ({1})
                     ;SELECT * FROM [cal_RecurrenceException] WHERE [UID] IN ({1})
                     ;SELECT * FROM [cal_Alarm]               WHERE [UID] IN ({1})
                     ;SELECT * FROM [cal_Attendee]            WHERE [UID] IN ({1})
                     ;SELECT * FROM [cal_CustomProperty]      WHERE [UID] IN ({1})
                     ;SELECT [AttachmentId], [EventComponentId], [UID], [MediaType], [ExternalUrl], 
                         (CASE WHEN [Content] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS [ContentExists] 
                               FROM [cal_Attachment]          WHERE [UID] IN ({1})";

        sql = string.Format(sql, GetScPropsToLoad(propsToLoad), selectIn);

        return await LoadAsync(context, sql, "@UserId", context.UserId);

    private static async Task<IEnumerable<ICalendarFile>> LoadAsync(DavContext context, string sql, params object[] prms)
        IList<ICalendarFile> items = new List<ICalendarFile>();

        Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        using (SqlDataReader reader = await context.ExecuteReaderAsync(sql, prms))           
            DataTable calendarFiles = new DataTable();

            DataTable eventComponents = new DataTable();
            if (!reader.IsClosed)

            DataTable recurrenceExceptions = new DataTable();
            if (!reader.IsClosed)

            DataTable alarms = new DataTable();
            if (!reader.IsClosed)

            DataTable attendees = new DataTable();
            if (!reader.IsClosed)

            DataTable customProperties = new DataTable();
            if (!reader.IsClosed)

            DataTable attachments = new DataTable();
            if (!reader.IsClosed)

            context.Engine.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("SQL took: {0}ms", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            foreach (DataRow rowCalendarFile in calendarFiles.Rows)
                DataRow[] rowsEventComponents      = new DataRow[0];
                DataRow[] rowsRecurrenceExceptions = new DataRow[0];
                DataRow[] rowsAlarms               = new DataRow[0];
                DataRow[] rowsAttendees            = new DataRow[0];
                DataRow[] rowsCustomProperties     = new DataRow[0];
                DataRow[] rowsAttachments          = new DataRow[0];

                string uid = rowCalendarFile.Field<string>("UID");

                string filter = string.Format("UID = '{0}'", uid);

                if (eventComponents.Columns["UID"] != null)
                    rowsEventComponents = eventComponents.Select(filter);
                if (recurrenceExceptions.Columns["UID"] != null)
                    rowsRecurrenceExceptions = recurrenceExceptions.Select(filter);
                if (alarms.Columns["UID"] != null)
                    rowsAlarms = alarms.Select(filter);
                if (attendees.Columns["UID"] != null)
                    rowsAttendees = attendees.Select(filter);
                if (customProperties.Columns["UID"] != null)
                    rowsCustomProperties = customProperties.Select(filter);
                if (attachments.Columns["UID"] != null)
                    rowsAttachments = attachments.Select(filter);

                items.Add(new CalendarFile(context, uid, rowCalendarFile, rowsEventComponents, rowsRecurrenceExceptions, rowsAlarms, rowsAttendees, rowsCustomProperties, rowsAttachments));

        return items;

    private static string GetScPropsToLoad(PropsToLoad propsToLoad)
        switch (propsToLoad)
            case PropsToLoad.None:
                return "[UID]";
            case PropsToLoad.Minimum:
                // [Summary] is typically not required in GetChildren call, 
                // they are extracted for demo purposes only, to be displayed in Ajax File Browser as a file display name.
                return "[UID], [Summary]";
            case PropsToLoad.All:
                return "*";
        throw new Exception("Should never come here.");

    public static CalendarFile CreateCalendarFile(DavContext context, Guid calendarFolderId)
        CalendarFile calendarFile = new CalendarFile(context, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
        calendarFile.calendarFolderId = calendarFolderId;
        return calendarFile;

    private readonly string uid = null;

    private readonly DataRow rowCalendarFile = null;

    private readonly DataRow[] rowsEventComponents = null;

    private readonly DataRow[] rowsRecurrenceExceptions = null;

    private readonly DataRow[] rowsAlarms = null;

    private readonly DataRow[] rowsAttendees = null;

    private readonly DataRow[] rowsCustomProperties = null;

    private readonly DataRow[] rowsAttachments = null;

    private bool isNew
        get { return calendarFolderId != Guid.Empty; }

    private int paramIndex = 0;

    private Guid calendarFolderId = Guid.Empty;

    public override string Name
            // Show all components summaries contained in this file.
            return string.Join(", ", rowsEventComponents.Select(x => string.Format("[{0}]", x.Field<string>("Summary"))).ToArray());

    public override string Path
            Guid calendarFolderId = rowCalendarFile.Field<Guid>("CalendarFolderId");
            string uid              = rowCalendarFile.Field<string>("UID");
            return string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}{3}", CalendarsRootFolder.CalendarsRootFolderPath, calendarFolderId, uid, Extension);

    public string Etag
            byte[] bETag = rowCalendarFile.Field<byte[]>("ETag");
            return BitConverter.ToUInt64(bETag.Reverse().ToArray(), 0).ToString(); // convert timestamp value to number

    public override DateTime Created
        get { return rowCalendarFile.Field<DateTime>("CreatedUtc"); }

    public override DateTime Modified
        get { return rowCalendarFile.Field<DateTime>("ModifiedUtc"); }

    public long ContentLength
        get { return -1; }

    public string ContentType
     get { return "text/calendar"; }

    private CalendarFile(DavContext context, string uid,
        DataRow rowCalendarFile, DataRow[] rowsEventComponents, DataRow[] rowsRecurrenceExceptions, DataRow[] rowsAlarms,
        DataRow[] rowsAttendees, DataRow[] rowsCustomProperties, DataRow[] rowsAttachments)
        : base(context)
        this.uid                      = uid;
        this.rowCalendarFile          = rowCalendarFile;
        this.rowsEventComponents      = rowsEventComponents;
        this.rowsRecurrenceExceptions = rowsRecurrenceExceptions;
        this.rowsAlarms               = rowsAlarms;
        this.rowsAttendees            = rowsAttendees;
        this.rowsCustomProperties     = rowsCustomProperties;
        this.rowsAttachments          = rowsAttachments;

    public async Task<bool> WriteAsync(Stream stream, string contentType, long startIndex, long totalFileSize)
        //Set timeout to maximum value to be able to upload iCalendar files with large file attachments.
        System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = int.MaxValue;
        string iCalendar;
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
            iCalendar = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

        // Typically the stream contains a single iCalendar that contains one or more event or to-do components.
        IEnumerable<IComponent> calendars = new vFormatter().Deserialize(iCalendar);
        ICalendar2 calendar = calendars.First() as ICalendar2;

        IEnumerable<IEventBase> components = calendar.Events.Cast<IEventBase>();
        if (!components.Any())
            components = calendar.ToDos.Cast<IEventBase>();

        if (components == null)
            throw new DavException("Event or to-do was expected in the input stream, no events or to-dos were found.", DavStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE);

        // All components inside calendar file has the same UID which is equal to file name.
        string uid = components.First().Uid.Text;

        // Save data to [cal_CalendarFile] table.
        await WriteCalendarFileAsync(Context, uid, calendarFolderId, isNew);

        foreach (IEventBase component in components)
            Guid eventComponentId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Save data to [cal_EventComponent] table.
            await WriteEventComponentAsync(Context, component, eventComponentId, uid);

            // Save recurrence days exceptions for recurring events and to-dos. 
            await WriteRecurrenceExceptionsAsync(Context, component.ExceptionDateTimes, eventComponentId, uid);

            // Save alarms.
            await WriteAlarmsAsync(Context, component.Alarms, eventComponentId, uid);

            // Save attendees.
            await WriteAttendeesAsync(Context, component.Attendees, eventComponentId, uid);

            // Save attachments.
            await WriteAttachmentsAsync(Context, component.Attachments, eventComponentId, uid);

        // Notify attendees that event is created or modified.
        calendar.Method = calendar.CreateMethodProp(MethodType.Request);
        await iMipEventSchedulingTransport.NotifyAttendeesAsync(Context, calendar);

        return true;

    private static async Task WriteCalendarFileAsync(DavContext context, string uid, Guid calendarFolderId, bool isNew)
        string sql;
        if (isNew)
            sql =
              @"IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [cal_Access] WHERE [CalendarFolderId]=@CalendarFolderId AND [UserId]=@UserId AND [Write]=1)
                INSERT INTO [cal_CalendarFile] (
                    , [CalendarFolderId]
                ) VALUES (
                    , @CalendarFolderId
            // We can only update record in [cal_CalendarFile] table.
            // There is no way to update [cal_EventComponent], [cal_RecurrenceException], [cal_Alarm], [cal_Attendee], 
            // [cal_Attachment] and [cal_CustomProperty] for existing event, we must delete all records for this UID and recreate.

            // [ModifiedUtc] field update triggers [ETag] field update which is used for synchronyzation.
            sql =
              @"IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [cal_CalendarFile]
                    WHERE UID = @UID
                    AND [CalendarFolderId] IN (SELECT [CalendarFolderId] FROM [cal_Access] WHERE [UserId] = @UserId AND [Write] = 1))
                    UPDATE [cal_CalendarFile] SET 
                        [ModifiedUtc] = @ModifiedUtc
                    WHERE [UID] = @UID

                    ; DELETE FROM [cal_EventComponent]      WHERE [UID] = @UID
                    ; DELETE FROM [cal_RecurrenceException] WHERE [UID] = @UID
                    ; DELETE FROM [cal_Alarm]               WHERE [UID] = @UID
                    ; DELETE FROM [cal_Attendee]            WHERE [UID] = @UID
                    ; DELETE FROM [cal_Attachment]          WHERE [UID] = @UID
                    ; DELETE FROM [cal_CustomProperty]      WHERE [UID] = @UID

        if(await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(sql,
              "@UID"                , uid
            , "UserId"              , context.UserId
            , "@CalendarFolderId"   , calendarFolderId
            , "@ModifiedUtc"        , DateTime.UtcNow) < 1)
            throw new DavException("Item not found or you do not have enough permissions to complete this operation.", DavStatus.FORBIDDEN);

    private async Task WriteEventComponentAsync(DavContext context, IEventBase sc, Guid eventComponentId, string uid)
        string sql =
                @"INSERT INTO [cal_EventComponent] (
                    , [UID]
                    , [ComponentType]
                    , [DateTimeStampUtc]
                    , [CreatedUtc]
                    , [LastModifiedUtc]
                    , [Summary]
                    , [Description]
                    , [OrganizerEmail]
                    , [OrganizerCommonName]
                    , [Start]
                    , [StartTimeZoneId]
                    , [End]
                    , [EndTimeZoneId]
                    , [Duration]
                    , [AllDay]
                    , [Class]
                    , [Location]
                    , [Priority]
                    , [Sequence]
                    , [Status]
                    , [Categories]
                    , [RecurFrequency]
                    , [RecurInterval]
                    , [RecurUntil]
                    , [RecurCount]
                    , [RecurWeekStart]
                    , [RecurByDay]
                    , [RecurByMonthDay]
                    , [RecurByMonth]
                    , [RecurBySetPos]
                    , [RecurrenceIdDate]
                    , [RecurrenceIdTimeZoneId]
                    , [RecurrenceIdThisAndFuture]
                    , [EventTransparency]
                    , [ToDoCompletedUtc]
                    , [ToDoPercentComplete]
                ) VALUES (
                    , @UID
                    , @ComponentType
                    , @DateTimeStampUtc 
                    , @CreatedUtc
                    , @LastModifiedUtc
                    , @Summary
                    , @Description
                    , @OrganizerEmail
                    , @OrganizerCommonName
                    , @Start, @StartTimeZoneId
                    , @End, @EndTimeZoneId
                    , @Duration
                    , @AllDay
                    , @Class
                    , @Location
                    , @Priority
                    , @Sequence
                    , @Status
                    , @Categories
                    , @RecurFrequency
                    , @RecurInterval
                    , @RecurUntil
                    , @RecurCount
                    , @RecurWeekStart
                    , @RecurByDay
                    , @RecurByMonthDay
                    , @RecurByMonth
                    , @RecurBySetPos
                    , @RecurrenceIdDate
                    , @RecurrenceIdTimeZoneId
                    , @RecurrenceIdThisAndFuture
                    , @EventTransparency
                    , @ToDoCompletedUtc
                    , @ToDoPercentComplete

        bool isEvent = sc is IEvent;

        // Get END in case of event or DUE in case of to-do component. 
        ICalDate endProp = isEvent ? (sc as IEvent).End : (sc as IToDo).Due;

        await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(sql,
              "@EventComponentId"       , eventComponentId
            , "@UID"                    , uid                                                                   // UID value
            , "@ComponentType"          , isEvent
            , "@DateTimeStampUtc"       , sc.DateTimeStampUtc?.Value?.DateVal                                   // DTSTAMP value
            , "@CreatedUtc"             , sc.CreatedUtc?.Value?.DateVal                                         // CREATED value
            , "@LastModifiedUtc"        , sc.LastModifiedUtc?.Value?.DateVal                                    // LAST-MODIFIED value
            , "@Summary"                , sc.Summary?.Text                                                      // SUMMARY value
            , "@Description"            , sc.Description?.Text                                                  // DESCRIPTION value
            , "@OrganizerEmail"         , sc.Organizer?.Uri?.Replace("mailto:", "")                             // ORGANIZER value
            , "@OrganizerCommonName"    , sc.Organizer?.CommonName                                              // ORGANIZER CN param
            , "@Start"                  , sc.Start?.Value?.DateVal                                              // DTSTART value
            , "@StartTimeZoneId"        , sc.Start?.Value?.DateVal.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? TimeZoneInfo.Utc.Id : sc.Start?.TimeZoneId  // DTSTART TZID param
            , "@End"                    , endProp?.Value?.DateVal                                               // DTEND or DUE value
            , "@EndTimeZoneId"          , endProp?.Value?.DateVal.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? TimeZoneInfo.Utc.Id : endProp?.TimeZoneId    // DTEND or DUE TZID param
            , "@Duration"               , sc.Duration?.Value?.Ticks                                             // DURATION value
            , "@AllDay"                 , !sc.Start?.Value?.Components.HasFlag(DateComponents.Time) // Check if start contains the time part to determine if this is a all-day event/to-do.
            , "@Class"                  , sc.Class?.Value.Name                                                  // CLASS value
            , "@Location"               , sc.Location?.Text                                                     // LOCATION value
            , "@Priority"               , sc.Priority?.Value                                                    // PRIORITY value
            , "@Sequence"               , sc.Sequence?.Value                                                    // SEQUENCE value
            , "@Status"                 , sc.Status?.Value.Name                                                 // STATUS value
            , "@Categories"             , ListToString<string>(sc.Categories.Select(x => ListToString<string>(x.Categories, ",")), ";") // CATEGORIES value
            , "@RecurFrequency"         , sc.RecurrenceRule?.Frequency?.ToString()                              // RRULE FREQ value part
            , "@RecurInterval"          , (int?)sc.RecurrenceRule?.Interval                                     // RRULE INTERVAL value part
            , "@RecurUntil"             , sc.RecurrenceRule?.Until?.DateVal                                     // RRULE UNTIL value part
            , "@RecurCount"             , (int?)sc.RecurrenceRule?.Count                                        // RRULE COUNT value part
            , "@RecurWeekStart"         , sc.RecurrenceRule?.WeekStart?.ToString()                              // RRULE WKST value part
            , "@RecurByDay"             , ListToString<DayRule>(sc.RecurrenceRule?.ByDay)                       // RRULE BYDAY value part
            , "@RecurByMonthDay"        , ListToString<short>(sc.RecurrenceRule?.ByMonthDay)                    // RRULE BYMONTHDAY value part
            , "@RecurByMonth"           , ListToString<ushort>(sc.RecurrenceRule?.ByMonth)                      // RRULE BYMONTH value part
            , "@RecurBySetPos"          , ListToString<short>(sc.RecurrenceRule?.BySetPos)                      // RRULE BYSETPOS value part
            , "@RecurrenceIdDate"       , sc.RecurrenceId?.Value.DateVal                                        // RECURRENCE-ID value
            , "@RecurrenceIdTimeZoneId" , sc.RecurrenceId?.TimeZoneId                                           // RECURRENCE-ID TZID param
            , "@RecurrenceIdThisAndFuture", sc.RecurrenceId?.IsThisAndFuture                                    // RECURRENCE-ID RANGE param
            , "@EventTransparency"      , (sc as IEvent)?.Transparency?.IsTransparent                           // VEVENT TRANSP value
            , "@ToDoCompletedUtc"       , (sc as IToDo)?.CompletedUtc?.Value?.DateVal                           // VTODO COMPLETED value
            , "@ToDoPercentComplete"    , (sc as IToDo)?.PercentComplete?.Value                                 // VTODO PERCENT-COMPLETE value

        // Save custom properties and parameters of this component to [cal_CustomProperty] table.
        string customPropsSqlInsert;
        List<object> customPropsParamsInsert;
        if (PrepareSqlCustomPropertiesOfComponentAsync(sc, eventComponentId, uid, out customPropsSqlInsert, out customPropsParamsInsert))
            await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(customPropsSqlInsert, customPropsParamsInsert.ToArray());

    private static string ListToString<T>(IEnumerable<T> arr, string separator = ",")
        if ((arr == null) || !arr.Any())
            return null;
        return string.Join<T>(separator, arr);

    private static async Task WriteRecurrenceExceptionsAsync(DavContext context, IPropertyList<ICalDateList> recurrenceExceptions, Guid eventComponentId, string uid)
        // Typically CalDAV clients pass a single date value per EXDATE property.

        string sql =
            @"INSERT INTO [cal_RecurrenceException] (
                , [UID]
                , [ExceptionDate]
                , [TimeZoneId]
                , [AllDay]
            ) VALUES {0}";

        List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>();
        List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] {
              "@EventComponentId", eventComponentId
            , "@UID", uid

        int i = 0;
        foreach (ICalDateList dateListProp in recurrenceExceptions)
            foreach (Date date in dateListProp.Dates)
                if (date == null)
                    continue; // failed fo parse date

                , @UID
                , @ExceptionDate{0}
                , @TimeZoneId{0}
                , @AllDay{0}
                )", i));

                parameters.AddRange(new object[] {
              //  "@EventComponentId"
              //  "@UID" added for performance optimization purposes
                  "@ExceptionDate" +i, date.DateVal                                                                         // EXDATE value
                , "@TimeZoneId"    +i, date.DateVal.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? TimeZoneInfo.Utc.Id : dateListProp.TimeZoneId// EXDATE TZID param
                , "@AllDay"        +i, !date.Components.HasFlag(DateComponents.Time)                                        // EXDATE DATE or DATE-TIME

        if (i > 0)
            await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray());

    private async Task WriteAlarmsAsync(DavContext context, IComponentList<IAlarm> alarms, Guid eventComponentId, string uid)
        string sql =
            @"INSERT INTO [cal_Alarm] (
                , [EventComponentId]
                , [UID]
                , [Action]
                , [TriggerAbsoluteDateTimeUtc]
                , [TriggerRelativeOffset]
                , [TriggerRelatedStart]
                , [Summary]
                , [Description]
                , [Duration]
                , [Repeat]
            ) VALUES {0}";

        List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>();
        List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] {
              "@EventComponentId", eventComponentId
            , "@UID", uid

        int i = 0;
        foreach (IAlarm alarm in alarms)
            Guid alarmId = Guid.NewGuid();

                , @EventComponentId
                , @UID
                , @Action{0}
                , @TriggerAbsoluteDateTimeUtc{0}
                , @TriggerRelativeOffset{0}
                , @TriggerRelatedStart{0}
                , @Summary{0}
                , @Description{0}
                , @Duration{0}
                , @Repeat{0}
                )", i));

            parameters.AddRange(new object[] {
                  "@AlarmId"                    +i, alarmId
              //, "@EventComponentId"
              //, "@UID" added for performance optimization purposes
                , "@Action"                     +i, alarm.Action.Action.Name                                                        // Alarm ACTION property
                , "@TriggerAbsoluteDateTimeUtc" +i, alarm.Trigger?.AbsoluteDateTimeUtc                                              // Alarm TRIGGER property
                , "@TriggerRelativeOffset"      +i, alarm.Trigger?.RelativeOffset?.Ticks                                            // Alarm TRIGGER property
                , "@TriggerRelatedStart"        +i, alarm.Trigger==null ? (bool?)null : alarm.Trigger.Related == RelatedType.Start  // Alarm trigger RELATED param
                , "@Summary"                    +i, alarm.Summary?.Text                                                             // Alarm SUMMARY property
                , "@Description"                +i, alarm.Description?.Text                                                         // Alarm DESCRIPTION property
                , "@Duration"                   +i, alarm.Duration?.Value?.Ticks                                                    // Alarm DURATION property
                , "@Repeat"                     +i, alarm.Repeat?.Value                                                             // Alarm REPEAT property

            // Create SQL to save custom properties of this component of this component to [cal_CustomProperty] table.
            string customPropsSqlInsert;
            List<object> customPropsParamsInsert;
            if (PrepareSqlCustomPropertiesOfComponentAsync(alarm, alarmId, uid, out customPropsSqlInsert, out customPropsParamsInsert))
                sql += "; " + customPropsSqlInsert;


        if (i > 0)
            await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray());

    private async Task WriteAttendeesAsync(DavContext context, IPropertyList<IAttendee> attendees, Guid eventComponentId, string uid)
        string sql =
            @"INSERT INTO [cal_Attendee] (
                , [EventComponentId]
                , [UID]
                , [Email]
                , [CommonName]
                , [DirectoryEntryRef]
                , [Language]
                , [UserType]
                , [SentBy]
                , [DelegatedFrom]
                , [DelegatedTo]
                , [Rsvp]
                , [ParticipationRole]
                , [ParticipationStatus]
            ) VALUES {0}";

        List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>();
        List<object> parameters = new List<object>(new object[] {
              "@EventComponentId", eventComponentId
            , "@UID", uid

        int i = 0;
        foreach (IAttendee attendee in attendees)
                , @EventComponentId
                , @UID
                , @Email{0}
                , @CommonName{0}
                , @DirectoryEntryRef{0}
                , @Language{0}
                , @UserType{0}
                , @SentBy{0}
                , @DelegatedFrom{0}
                , @DelegatedTo{0}
                , @Rsvp{0}
                , @ParticipationRole{0}
                , @ParticipationStatus{0}
            )", i));

            Guid attendeeId = Guid.NewGuid();

            parameters.AddRange(new object[] {
                  "@AttendeeId"         +i, attendeeId
              //, "@EventComponentId"
              //, "@UID" added for performance optimization purposes
                , "@Email"              +i, attendee.Uri?.Replace("mailto:", "")    // Attendee value
                , "@CommonName"         +i, attendee.CommonName                     // Attendee CN parameter
                , "@DirectoryEntryRef"  +i, attendee.Dir                            // Attendee DIR parameter
                , "@Language"           +i, attendee.Language                       // Attendee LANGUAGE parameter
                , "@UserType"           +i, attendee.UserType?.Name                 // Attendee CUTYPE parameter
                , "@SentBy"             +i, attendee.SentBy                         // Attendee SENT-BY parameter
                , "@DelegatedFrom"      +i, attendee.DelegatedFrom.FirstOrDefault() // Attendee DELEGATED-FROM parameter, here we assume only 1 delegator for the sake of simplicity
                , "@DelegatedTo"        +i, attendee.DelegatedTo.FirstOrDefault()   // Attendee DELEGATED-TO parameter, here we assume only 1 delegatee for the sake of simplicity
                , "@Rsvp"               +i, attendee.Rsvp == RsvpType.True          // Attendee RSVP parameter
                , "@ParticipationRole"  +i, attendee.ParticipationRole?.Name        // Attendee ROLE parameter
                , "@ParticipationStatus"+i, attendee.ParticipationStatus?.Name      // Attendee PARTSTAT parameter

            // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [cal_CustomProperty] table.
            string customPropSqlInsert;
            List<object> customPropParametersInsert;
            if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("ATTENDEE", attendee.RawProperty, attendeeId, uid, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert))
                sql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert;


        if (i > 0)
            await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray())), parameters.ToArray());

    private async Task WriteAttachmentsAsync(DavContext context, IPropertyList<IMedia> attachments, Guid eventComponentId, string uid)
        // It is recommended to keep attchment size below 256Kb. In case files over 1Mb should 
        // be stored, use SQL FILESTREAM, FileTable or store content in file system.

        string sqlAttachment =
            @"INSERT INTO [cal_Attachment] (
                , [EventComponentId]
                , [UID]
                , [MediaType]
                , [ExternalUrl]
                , [Content]
            ) VALUES (
                , @EventComponentId
                , @UID
                , @MediaType
                , @ExternalUrl
                , @Content

        string customPropertiesSql = "";
        List<object> customPropertiesParameters = new List<object>();

        foreach (IMedia attachment in attachments)
            // To insert NULL to VARBINARY column SqlParameter must be passed with Size=-1 and Value=DBNull.Value.
            SqlParameter contentParam = new SqlParameter("@Content", SqlDbType.VarBinary, -1);
            contentParam.Value = DBNull.Value;

            if (!attachment.IsExternal)
                byte[] content = Convert.FromBase64String(attachment.Base64Data);
                contentParam.Size = content.Length;
                contentParam.Value = content;

            Guid attachmentId = Guid.NewGuid();

            await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(sqlAttachment,
                  "@AttachmentId"       , attachmentId
                , "@EventComponentId"   , eventComponentId
                , "@UID"                , uid
                , "@MediaType"          , attachment.MediaType
                , "@ExternalUrl"        , attachment.IsExternal ? attachment.Uri : null
                , contentParam

            // Prepare SQL to save custom property parameters to [].
            string customPropSqlInsert;
            List<object> customPropParametersInsert;
            if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty("ATTACH", attachment.RawProperty, attachmentId, uid, out customPropSqlInsert, out customPropParametersInsert))
                customPropertiesSql += "; " + customPropSqlInsert;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customPropertiesSql))
            await context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(customPropertiesSql, customPropertiesParameters.ToArray());

    private bool PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty(string propName, IRawProperty prop, Guid parentId, string uid, out string sql, out List<object> parameters)
        sql =
            @"INSERT INTO [cal_CustomProperty] (
                , [UID]
                , [PropertyName]
                , [ParameterName]
                , [Value]
            ) VALUES {0}";

        List<string> valuesSql = new List<string>();
        parameters = new List<object>();

        int origParamsCount = parameters.Count();

        bool isCustomProp = propName.StartsWith("X-", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

        string paramName = null;

        // Save custom prop value.
        if (isCustomProp)
            string val = prop.RawValue;
                            , @UID{0}
                            , @PropertyName{0}
                            , @ParameterName{0}
                            , @Value{0}
                            )", paramIndex));

            parameters.AddRange(new object[] {
                              "@ParentId"     +paramIndex, parentId
                            , "@UID"          +paramIndex, uid       // added for performance optimization purposes
                            , "@PropertyName" +paramIndex, propName
                            , "@ParameterName"+paramIndex, paramName // null is inserted into the ParameterName field to mark prop value
                            , "@Value"        +paramIndex, val

        // Save parameters and their values.
        foreach (Parameter param in prop.Parameters)
            paramName = param.Name;

            // For standard properties we save only custom params (that start with 'X-'). All standard patrams go to their fields in DB.
            // For custom properies we save all params.
            if (!isCustomProp && !paramName.StartsWith("X-", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

            foreach (string value in param.Values)
                string val = value;

                            , @UID{0}
                            , @PropertyName{0}
                            , @ParameterName{0}
                            , @Value{0}
                            )", paramIndex));

                parameters.AddRange(new object[] {
                              "@ParentId"     +paramIndex, parentId
                            , "@UID"          +paramIndex, uid       // added for performance optimization purposes
                            , "@PropertyName" +paramIndex, propName
                            , "@ParameterName"+paramIndex, paramName
                            , "@Value"        +paramIndex, val

        if (origParamsCount < parameters.Count())
            sql = string.Format(sql, string.Join(", ", valuesSql.ToArray()));
            return true;
        return false;

    private bool PrepareSqlCustomPropertiesOfComponentAsync(IComponent component, Guid parentId, string uid, out string sql, out List<object> parameters)
        sql = "";
        parameters = new List<object>();

        // We save only single custom props here, multiple props are saved in other methods.
        string[] multiProps = new string[] { "ATTACH", "ATTENDEE", "EXDATE" };

        // Properties in IComponent.Properties are grouped by name.
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IList<IRawProperty>> pair in component.Properties)
            if (multiProps.Contains(pair.Key.ToUpper()) || (pair.Value.Count != 1))

            string sqlInsert;
            List<object> parametersInsert;
            if (PrepareSqlParamsWriteCustomProperty(pair.Key, pair.Value.First(), parentId, uid, out sqlInsert, out parametersInsert))
                sql += "; " + sqlInsert;

        return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql);

    public override async Task DeleteAsync(MultistatusException multistatus)
        ICalendar2 cal = await GetCalendarAsync();

        string sql = @"DELETE FROM [cal_CalendarFile] 
                       WHERE UID=@UID
                       AND [CalendarFolderId] IN (SELECT [CalendarFolderId] FROM [cal_Access] WHERE [UserId]=@UserId AND [Write]=1)";

        if(await Context.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(sql, 
              "@UID", uid
            , "@UserId", Context.UserId) < 1)
            throw new DavException("Item not found or you do not have enough permissions to complete this operation.", DavStatus.FORBIDDEN);

        // Notify attendees that event is canceled if deletion is successful.
        cal.Method = cal.CreateMethodProp(MethodType.Cancel);
        await iMipEventSchedulingTransport.NotifyAttendeesAsync(Context, cal);

    public async Task ReadAsync(Stream output, long startIndex, long count)
        ICalendar2 cal = await GetCalendarAsync();
        new vFormatter().Serialize(output, cal);

    private async Task<ICalendar2> GetCalendarAsync()
        ICalendar2 cal = CalendarFactory.CreateCalendar2();
        cal.ProductId = cal.CreateTextProp("-//IT Hit//Collab Lib//EN");

        // Recurrent event or to-do can contain more than one VEVENT/VTODO component in one file.
        foreach (DataRow rowEventComponent in rowsEventComponents)

            // add either event or to-do to the calendar
            bool isEvent = rowEventComponent.Field<bool>("ComponentType");
            IEventBase sc;
            if (isEvent)
                sc = cal.Events.CreateComponent();
                cal.Events.Add(sc as IEvent);
                sc = cal.ToDos.CreateComponent();
                cal.ToDos.Add(sc as IToDo);

            // Read component properties from previously loaded [cal_EventComponent] rows.
            ReadEventComponent(sc, rowEventComponent, cal);

            Guid eventComponentId = rowEventComponent.Field<Guid>("EventComponentId");

            // Get [cal_RecurrenceException] rows that belong to this event component only and read recurrence exceptions dates.
            IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsThisScRecurrenceExceptions = rowsRecurrenceExceptions.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("EventComponentId") == eventComponentId);
            ReadRecurrenceExceptions(sc.ExceptionDateTimes, rowsThisScRecurrenceExceptions, cal);

            // Get [cal_Alarm] rows that belong to this event component only and read alarms.
            IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsThisScAlarms = rowsAlarms.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("EventComponentId") == eventComponentId);
            ReadAlarms(sc.Alarms, rowsThisScAlarms, cal);

            // Get [cal_Attendee] rows that belong to this event component only and read attendees.
            IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsThisScAttendees = rowsAttendees.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("EventComponentId") == eventComponentId);
            ReadAttendees(sc.Attendees, rowsThisScAttendees, cal);

            // Get [cal_Attachment] rows that belong to this event component only.
            // Read attachments, load [cal_Attachment].[Content] if required.
            IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsThisScAttachments = rowsAttachments.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("EventComponentId") == eventComponentId);
            await ReadAttachmentsAsync(Context, sc.Attachments, rowsThisScAttachments, cal);

        // Generate VTIMEZONE components based on TZID parameters.
        cal.AutoGenerateTimeZones = true;

        return cal;

    private void ReadEventComponent(IEventBase sc, DataRow row, ICalendar2 cal)
        bool isAllDay = row.Field<bool?>("AllDay").GetValueOrDefault();

        sc.Uid              = cal.CreateTextProp(row.Field<string>("UID"));                                     // UID property, iOS / OS X UID is case sensitive, Bynari WebDAV Collaborator UID is over 100 chars long
        sc.DateTimeStampUtc = cal.CreateDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("DateTimeStampUtc"), DateTimeKind.Utc);   // DTSTAMP property
        sc.CreatedUtc       = cal.CreateDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("CreatedUtc"), DateTimeKind.Utc);         // CREATED property
        sc.LastModifiedUtc  = cal.CreateDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("LastModifiedUtc"), DateTimeKind.Utc);    // LAST-MODIFIED property
        sc.Summary          = cal.CreateCalTextProp(row.Field<string>("Summary"));                              // SUMMARY property
        sc.Description      = cal.CreateCalTextProp(row.Field<string>("Description"));                          // DESCRIPTION property
        sc.Start            = cal.CreateCalDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("Start"), row.Field<string>("StartTimeZoneId"), isAllDay);                 // DTSTART property
        sc.Duration         = cal.CreateDurationProp(row.Field<long?>("Duration"));                             // DURATION property
        sc.Class            = cal.CreateClassProp(row.Field<string>("Class"));                                  // CLASS property
        sc.Location         = cal.CreateCalTextProp(row.Field<string>("Location"));                             // LOCATION property
        sc.Priority         = cal.CreateIntegerProp(row.Field<byte?>("Priority"));                              // PRIORITY property
        sc.Sequence         = cal.CreateIntegerProp(row.Field<int?>("Sequence"));                               // SEQ property
        sc.Status           = cal.CreateStatusProp(row.Field<string>("Status"));                                // STATUS property
        sc.Organizer        = cal.CreateCalAddressProp(EmailToUri(row.Field<string>("OrganizerEmail")), row.Field<string>("OrganizerCommonName"));  // ORGANIZER property

        // RECURRENCE-ID property
        sc.RecurrenceId     = cal.CreateRecurrenceIdProp(
            row.Field<DateTime?>("RecurrenceIdDate")                                                            // RECURRENCE-ID value
            , row.Field<string>("RecurrenceIdTimeZoneId")                                                       // RECURRENCE-ID TZID param
            , isAllDay                                                                                          // RECURRENCE-ID DATE or DATE-TIME
            , row.Field<bool?>("RecurrenceIdThisAndFuture").GetValueOrDefault());                                             // RECURRENCE-ID RANGE param

        // CATEGORIES property list
        string categories = row.Field<string>("Categories") as string;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categories))
            string[] strCatProp = categories.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string categoryList in strCatProp)
                ICategories catProp = sc.Categories.CreateProperty();
                catProp.Categories = categoryList.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        // RRULE property
        string recurFrequency = row.Field<string>("RecurFrequency");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recurFrequency))
            sc.RecurrenceRule = cal.CreateProperty<IRecurrenceRule>();

            sc.RecurrenceRule.Frequency = ExtendibleEnum.FromString<FrequencyType>(recurFrequency);             // FREQ rule part
            sc.RecurrenceRule.Interval  = (uint?)row.Field<int?>("RecurInterval");                              // INTERVAL rule part
            sc.RecurrenceRule.Count     = (uint?)row.Field<int?>("RecurCount");                                 // COUNT rule part

            // WKST rule part
            string weekStart = row.Field<string>("RecurWeekStart");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(weekStart))
                sc.RecurrenceRule.WeekStart = (DayOfWeek)Enum.Parse(typeof(DayOfWeek), weekStart);

            // UNTIL rule part
            DateTime? until = row.Field<DateTime?>("RecurUntil");
            if (until != null)
                // UNTIL must be in UTC if DTSTART contains time zone or DTSTART is UTC.
                // UNTIL must be 'floating' if DTSTART is 'floating'.
                // UNTIL must be 'all day' if the DTSTART is 'all day'.
                sc.RecurrenceRule.Until = new Date(
                    sc.Start.Value.DateVal.Kind != DateTimeKind.Local /*floating*/ ? DateTimeKind.Utc : DateTimeKind.Local),

            // BYDAY rule part
            string byDay = row.Field<string>("RecurByDay");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byDay))
                sc.RecurrenceRule.ByDay = byDay.Split(',').Select(x => DayRule.Parse(x)).ToArray();

            // BYMONTHDAY rule part
            string byMonthDay = row.Field<string>("RecurByMonthDay");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byMonthDay))
                sc.RecurrenceRule.ByMonthDay = byMonthDay.Split(',').Select(x => short.Parse(x)).ToArray();

            // BYMONTH rule part
            string byMonth = row.Field<string>("RecurByMonth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byMonth))
                sc.RecurrenceRule.ByMonth = byMonth.Split(',').Select(x => ushort.Parse(x)).ToArray();

            // BYSETPOS  rule part
            string bySetPos = row.Field<string>("RecurBySetPos");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bySetPos))
                sc.RecurrenceRule.BySetPos = bySetPos.Split(',').Select(x => short.Parse(x)).ToArray();

        if (sc is IEvent)
            // Properties specific for events only
            IEvent vEvent = sc as IEvent;
            vEvent.End          = cal.CreateCalDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("End"), row.Field<string>("EndTimeZoneId"), isAllDay); // DTEND property
            vEvent.Transparency = cal.CreateTransparencyProp(row.Field<bool?>("EventTransparency"));                                // TRANSP property
            // Properties specific for to-dos only
            IToDo vToDo = sc as IToDo;
            vToDo.Due           = cal.CreateCalDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("End"), row.Field<string>("EndTimeZoneId"), isAllDay); // DUE property
            vToDo.CompletedUtc  = cal.CreateDateProp(row.Field<DateTime?>("ToDoCompletedUtc"), DateTimeKind.Utc);                   // COMPLETED property
            vToDo.PercentComplete = cal.CreateIntegerProp(row.Field<byte?>("ToDoPercentComplete"));                                 // PERCENT-COMPLETE

        // Get custom properties and custom parameters
        Guid eventComponentId = row.Field<Guid>("EventComponentId");
        IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsEventCustomProperties = rowsCustomProperties.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("ParentId") == eventComponentId);
        ReadCustomProperties(sc, rowsEventCustomProperties);

    private static void ReadRecurrenceExceptions(IPropertyList<ICalDateList> recurrenceExceptions, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsRecurrenceExceptions, ICalendar2 cal)
        foreach (DataRow rowRecurrenceException in rowsRecurrenceExceptions)
            // EXDATE property
            ICalDateList exdate = cal.CreateCalDateListProp(
                new DateTime[] { rowRecurrenceException.Field<DateTime>("ExceptionDate") }                          // EXDATE value
                , rowRecurrenceException.Field<string>("TimeZoneId")                                                // EXDATE TZID param
                , rowRecurrenceException.Field<bool?>("AllDay").GetValueOrDefault()                                 // EXDATE DATE or DATE-TIME

    private void ReadAlarms(IComponentList<IAlarm> alarms, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsAlarms, ICalendar2 cal)
        foreach (DataRow rowAlarm in rowsAlarms)
            IAlarm alarm = alarms.CreateComponent();                                            // VALARM component

            alarm.Action        = cal.CreateActionProp(rowAlarm.Field<string>("Action"));       // Alarm ACTION property
            alarm.Summary       = cal.CreateCalTextProp(rowAlarm.Field<string>("Summary"));     // Alarm SUMMARY property
            alarm.Description   = cal.CreateCalTextProp(rowAlarm.Field<string>("Description")); // Alarm DESCRIPTION property
            alarm.Duration      = cal.CreateDurationProp(rowAlarm.Field<long?>("Duration"));    // Alarm DURATION property
            alarm.Repeat        = cal.CreateIntegerProp(rowAlarm.Field<int?>("Repeat"));        // Alarm REPEAT property

            // Alarm TRIGGER property
            alarm.Trigger = cal.CreateProperty<ITrigger>();

            DateTime? absolute = rowAlarm.Field<DateTime?>("TriggerAbsoluteDateTimeUtc");
            if (absolute != null)
                alarm.Trigger.AbsoluteDateTimeUtc = DateTime.SpecifyKind(absolute.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            long? offset = rowAlarm.Field<long?>("TriggerRelativeOffset");
            if (offset != null)
                alarm.Trigger.RelativeOffset = new TimeSpan(offset.Value);

            // Alarm trigger RELATED param
            bool? related = rowAlarm.Field<bool?>("TriggerRelatedStart");
            if (related != null)
                alarm.Trigger.Related = related.Value ? RelatedType.Start : RelatedType.End;

            // Get custom properties and custom parameters
            Guid alarmId = rowAlarm.Field<Guid>("AlarmId");
            IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsEventCustomProperties = rowsCustomProperties.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("ParentId") == alarmId);
            ReadCustomProperties(alarm, rowsEventCustomProperties);


    private void ReadAttendees(IPropertyList<IAttendee> attendees, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsAttendees, ICalendar2 cal)
        foreach (DataRow rowAttendee in rowsAttendees)
            IAttendee attendee = attendees.CreateProperty();                                                // ATTENDEE property

            attendee.Uri            = EmailToUri(rowAttendee.Field<string>("Email"));                       // Attendee value
            attendee.CommonName     = rowAttendee.Field<string>("CommonName");                              // Attendee CN parameter
            attendee.Dir            = rowAttendee.Field<string>("DirectoryEntryRef");                       // Attendee DIR parameter
            attendee.Language       = rowAttendee.Field<string>("Language");                                // Attendee LANGUAGE parameter
            attendee.UserType       = StringToEnum<CalendarUserType>(rowAttendee.Field<string>("UserType"));// Attendee CUTYPE parameter
            attendee.SentBy         = EmailToUri(rowAttendee.Field<string>("SentBy"));                      // Attendee SENT-BY parameter
            attendee.DelegatedFrom  = new[] { EmailToUri(rowAttendee.Field<string>("DelegatedFrom")) };     // Attendee DELEGATED-FROM parameter, here we assume only 1 delegator for the sake of simplicity
            attendee.DelegatedTo    = new[] { EmailToUri(rowAttendee.Field<string>("DelegatedTo")) };       // Attendee DELEGATED-TO parameter, here we assume only 1 delegatee for the sake of simplicity

            // Attendee RSVP parameter
            bool? rsvp = rowAttendee.Field<bool?>("Rsvp");
            if (rsvp != null)
                attendee.Rsvp       = rsvp.Value ? RsvpType.True : RsvpType.False;

            attendee.ParticipationRole   = StringToEnum<ParticipationRoleType>(rowAttendee.Field<string>("ParticipationRole"));     // Attendee ROLE parameter
            attendee.ParticipationStatus = StringToEnum<ParticipationStatusType>(rowAttendee.Field<string>("ParticipationStatus")); // Attendee PARTSTAT parameter

            AddParamValues(rowAttendee.Field<Guid>("AttendeeId"), attendee.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [cal_CustomProperty] table.


    private async Task ReadAttachmentsAsync(DavContext context, IPropertyList<IMedia> attachments, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsAttachments, ICalendar2 cal)
        // Find if any attachments content should be read from datatbase.
        bool loadContent = rowsAttachments.Any(x => (x.Field<int>("ContentExists") == 1));

        if (loadContent)
            // Reading attachments content from database.

            // Set timeout to maximum value to be able to download iCalendar files with large file attachments.
            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = int.MaxValue;

            Guid eventComponentId = rowsAttachments.First().Field<Guid>("EventComponentId");
            string sql = "SELECT [AttachmentId], [MediaType], [ExternalUrl], [Content] FROM [cal_Attachment] WHERE [EventComponentId]=@EventComponentId";

            using (SqlDataReader reader = await context.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, sql, "@EventComponentId", eventComponentId))                
                while(await reader.ReadAsync())
                    IMedia attachment = attachments.CreateProperty();                   // ATTACH property
                    Guid attachmentId = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync<Guid>(reader.GetOrdinal("AttachmentId"));

                    // Attachment FMTTYPE parameter
                    int ordMediaType = reader.GetOrdinal("MediaType");
                    if (!await reader.IsDBNullAsync(ordMediaType))
                        attachment.MediaType = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync<string>(ordMediaType);

                    // Attachment value as URL
                    int ordExternalUrl = reader.GetOrdinal("ExternalUrl");
                    if (!await reader.IsDBNullAsync(ordExternalUrl))
                        attachment.Uri = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync<string>(ordExternalUrl);

                    // Attachment value as inline content
                    int ordContent = reader.GetOrdinal("Content");
                    if (!await reader.IsDBNullAsync(ordContent))
                        using (Stream stream = reader.GetStream(ordContent))
                            using(MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream())
                                await stream.CopyToAsync(memory);
                                attachment.Base64Data = Convert.ToBase64String(memory.ToArray());

                    AddParamValues(attachmentId, attachment.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [cal_CustomProperty] table.

            // Attachments contain only URLs to external files.
            foreach (DataRow rowAttachment in rowsAttachments)
                IMedia attachment = attachments.CreateProperty();                   // ATTACH property

                attachment.MediaType = rowAttachment.Field<string>("MediaType");    // Attachment FMTTYPE parameter
                attachment.Uri       = rowAttachment.Field<string>("ExternalUrl");  // Attachment value

                AddParamValues(rowAttachment.Field<Guid>("AttachmentId"), attachment.RawProperty); // Add custom parameters from [cal_CustomProperty] table.


    private static void ReadCustomProperties(IComponent component, IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsCustomProperies)
        foreach (DataRow rowCustomProperty in rowsCustomProperies)
            string propertyName = rowCustomProperty.Field<string>("PropertyName");

            IRawProperty prop;
            if (!component.Properties.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                prop = component.CreateRawProperty();
                component.AddProperty(propertyName, prop);
                prop = component.Properties[propertyName].FirstOrDefault();

            string paramName = rowCustomProperty.Field<string>("ParameterName");
            string value = rowCustomProperty.Field<string>("Value");
            if (paramName == null)
                // If ParameterName is null the Value contains property value
                prop.RawValue = value;
                AddParamValue(prop, paramName, value);

    private void AddParamValues(Guid propertyId, IRawProperty prop)
        IEnumerable<DataRow> rowsCustomParams = rowsCustomProperties.Where(x => x.Field<Guid>("ParentId") == propertyId);
        foreach (DataRow rowCustomParam in rowsCustomParams)
            string paramName = rowCustomParam.Field<string>("ParameterName");
            string paramValue = rowCustomParam.Field<string>("Value");
            AddParamValue(prop, paramName, paramValue);

    private static void AddParamValue(IRawProperty prop, string paramName, string paramValue)
        // There could be parameters with identical name withing one property.

        // This call returns all values from all properties with specified name.
        IEnumerable<string> paramVals = prop.Parameters[paramName];

        // Add value.
        List<string> paramNewVals = paramVals.ToList();

        // This call removes any parameters with identical names if any and 
        // replaces it with a single parameter with a lost of specified values.
        prop.Parameters[paramName] = paramNewVals;

    private static string EmailToUri(string email)
        if (email == null)
            return null;

        if (email.IndexOf('@') > 0)
            return string.Format("mailto:{0}", email);

        return email;

    private static T StringToEnum<T>(string value) where T : ExtendibleEnum, new()
        if (value == null)
            return null;

        T res;
        if (!ExtendibleEnum.TryFromString<T>(value, out res))
            // If no matching value is found create new ExtendibleEnum or type T 
            // with specified string value and default numeric value (-1).
            res = new T();
            res.Name = value;

        return res;
See Also