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AutoVersion Enumeration

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Auto versioning modes supported by item to be used with versioning unaware clients.

Namespace:  ITHit.WebDAV.Server.DeltaV
Assembly:  ITHit.WebDAV.Server (in ITHit.WebDAV.Server.dll) Version: 13.3.13068
public enum AutoVersion
  Member nameValueDescription
NoAutoVersioning0 Auto versioning is not supported for checked-in items. Modification requests of versioning unaware clients will fail if item was not checked-out.
CheckOutCheckIn1 Before any item modification (such as changing content or properties) by versioning unaware client engine will call CheckOutAsync(Boolean). After the item is modified CheckInAsync will be called.
CheckOutUnlockedCheckIn2 If client tries to modify checked-in item, engine will automatically call CheckOutAsync(Boolean). If item is not locked engine will call CheckInAsync when modification completes.

If item is locked, CheckInAsync will be called before the UnlockAsync(String). If lock expires you must check-in item manually.

CheckOut3 If client tries to modify checked-in item, engine will automatically call CheckOutAsync(Boolean). The CheckInAsync will not be called.

If item is locked, CheckInAsync will be called before the UnlockAsync(String). If lock expires you must check-in item manually.

LockedCheckOut4 If client tries to modify locked checked-in item, engine will automatically call CheckOutAsync(Boolean).

CheckInAsync will be called before the UnlockAsync(String). If lock expires you must check-in item manually.

If item is not locked - update request will fail.


This enumeration determines how engine responds to WebDAV client requests that attempt to modify checked-in items content or properties. Each item that support versioning can function in one of the following auto-versioning modes:

NoAutoVersioning Mode. In this mode item must be checked-out before modifications. Clients that does not support DeltaV will not be able to modify checked-in items.

CheckOutCheckIn Mode. In this mode any WebDAV client applications will be able to modify checked-in items on server. Potentially many versions may be created. Workflow for versioning-unaware WebDAV client:

  1. Lock request (optional).
  2. Modification request:
    • Auto check-out performed.
    • Modifications performed.
    • Auto check-in performed.
  3. Unlock request (optional).

CheckOutUnlockedCheckIn Mode. In this mode any WebDAV client applications will be able to modify checked-in items on server. If WebDAV client locks the item prior to update, the item will be checked in during unlock. This mode reduces the number of versions created by versioning unaware clients. The item is never left checked-out. This mode is recommended if you need to support both Class 1 and Class 2 WebDAV clients. Workflow for versioning-unaware WebDAV client:

  1. Lock request (optional).
  2. Modification request:
    • Auto check-out performed.
    • Modifications performed.
    • Auto check-in performed if item not locked.
  3. Unlock request (optional).
    • Check-in performed.
    • Unlock performed.

CheckOut Mode. In this mode any WebDAV client applications will be able to modify checked-in items on server. If the item was not locked before the update it will be left in checked-out state after modifications. Workflow for versioning-unaware WebDAV client:

  1. Lock request (optional).
  2. Modification request:
    • Auto check-out performed.
    • Modifications performed.
  3. Unlock request (optional).
    • Check-in performed.
    • Unlock performed.

LockedCheckOut Mode. Only WebDAV client applications that lock item before the update will be able to modify checked-in item. This mode minimizes amount of versions created by versioning unaware clients. Class 1 WebDAV applications will not be able to modify checked-in items. Workflow for versioning-unaware WebDAV client:

  1. Lock request (required).
  2. Modification request:
    • Auto check-out performed.
    • Modifications performed.
  3. Unlock request (required).
    • Check-in performed.
    • Unlock performed.

See Also