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IAclHierarchyItemGetInheritedAclSet Method

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Contains a set of items that also control the access to this item. To have a privilege on an item, not only must the ACL on that item (specified in the ITHit.WebDAV.Server.Acl property of that item) grant the privilege, but so must the ACL of each items identified in the GetInheritedAclSet property of that item. Effectively, the privileges granted by the current ACL are ANDed with the privileges granted by each inherited ACL.

Namespace: ITHit.WebDAV.Server.Acl
Assembly: ITHit.WebDAV.Server (in ITHit.WebDAV.Server.dll) Version: 4.5.3121.0
IEnumerable<IHierarchyItem> GetInheritedAclSet()

Return Value

Type: IEnumerableIHierarchyItem
List of IHierarchyItem items.
NeedPrivilegesExceptionNot enough permissions.
DavExceptionIn case of other errors.

The code below is part of 'WebDAVServer.NtfsNtlmAcl' sample provided with the SDK.

public IEnumerable<IHierarchyItem> GetInheritedAclSet()
    var current = this;
    var parent = current.GetParent();
    List<IHierarchyItem> parents = new List<IHierarchyItem>();
    while (parent != null)
        var accessControl = File.GetAccessControl(parent.fileSystemInfo.FullName);
        var acl = accessControl.GetAccessRules(true, false, typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
        if (acl.Count > 0)

        current = parent;
        parent = current.GetParent();
    return parents;
See Also