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IRecurrenceList Properties

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference

The IRecurrenceList type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainer
Parent component for this instance.
(Inherited from IProperty.)
Public propertyDates
List of date-times or dates.
(Inherited from ICalDateList.)
Public propertyIntervals
Gets a list of time periods stored as a value of "RDATE" property. Returns null if the property stores list of date or date-time values. Use Dates to access the list of values in this case.
Public propertyRawProperty
Provides low-level access to business card or calendar property.
(Inherited from IProperty.)
Public propertyText
Gets or sets decoded property value as text.
(Inherited from ITextProperty.)
Public propertyTimeZoneId
Gets or sets time zone identifier. Provides access to "TZID" parameter.
(Inherited from ITimeZoneIdParam.)
See Also