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IAclHierarchyItem Methods

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference

The IAclHierarchyItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleCopyToAsync
Creates a copy of this item with a new name in the destination folder.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleDeleteAsync
Deletes this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodGetAclAsync
Specifies the list of access control entries (ACEs), which define what principals are to get what privileges for this resource.
Public methodGetAclRestrictionsAsync
Defines the types of ACLs supported by this server, to avoid clients needlessly getting errors. When a client tries to set an ACL via the ACL method, the server may reject the attempt to set the ACL as specified.
Public methodGetCurrentUserPrincipalAsync
Retrieves currently logged in principal.
(Inherited from ICurrentUserPrincipal.)
Public methodGetCurrentUserPrivilegeSetAsync
Retrieves the exact set of privileges (as computed by the server) granted to the currently authenticated HTTP user. Aggregate privileges and their contained privileges are listed. A user-agent can use the value of this property to adjust its user interface to make actions inaccessible (e.g., by graying out a menu item or button) for which the current principal does not have permission. This property is also useful for determining what operations the current principal can perform, without having to actually execute an operation.
Public methodGetGroupAsync
Retrieves a particular principal as being the "group" of the item. This property is commonly found on repositories that implement the Unix privileges model.
Public methodGetInheritedAclSetAsync
Contains a set of items that also control the access to this item. To have a privilege on an item, not only must the ACL on that item (specified in the ITHit.WebDAV.Server.Acl property of that item) grant the privilege, but so must the ACL of each items identified in the GetInheritedAclSetAsync property of that item. Effectively, the privileges granted by the current ACL are ANDed with the privileges granted by each inherited ACL.
Public methodGetItemsByPropertyAsync
Find all resources in the subtree which have either Group or Owner (defined by matchBy parameter) which identifies current user or group current user belongs to. For example, this report can return all of the resources in a collection hierarchy that are owned by the current user.
Public methodGetOwnerAsync
Retrieves a particular principal as being the "owner" of the item. Since the owner of a resource often has special access control capabilities (e.g., the owner frequently has permanent WriteAcl privilege), clients might display the resource owner in their user interface.
Public methodGetPrincipalCollectionSetAsync
Retrieves a set of root collections that contain the principals that are available on the server that implements this resource. It can be used to retrieve the Name properties of all principals on that server, thereby yielding human-readable names for each principal that could be displayed in a user interface.
Public methodCode exampleGetPropertiesAsync
Gets values of all properties or selected properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodCode exampleGetPropertyNamesAsync
Gets names of all properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodGetSupportedPrivilegeSetAsync
Retrieves the privileges defined for the resource.
Public methodCode exampleMoveToAsync
Moves this item to the destination folder under a new name.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
Public methodResolveWellKnownPrincipalAsync
Returns predefined principal.
Public methodSetAclAsync
Sets list of access control entries (ACEs), which define what principals are to get what privileges for this resource.
Public methodSetGroupAsync
Retrieves a particular principal as being the "group" of the item. This property is commonly found on repositories that implement the Unix privileges model.
Public methodSetOwnerAsync
Retrieves a particular principal as being the "owner" of the item. Since the owner of a resource often has special access control capabilities (e.g., the owner frequently has permanent WriteAcl privilege), clients might display the resource owner in their user interface.
Public methodCode exampleUpdatePropertiesAsync
Adds, modifies and removes properties for this item.
(Inherited from IHierarchyItem.)
See Also