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ICard2 Interface

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Represents business card in v2.1 format.

Namespace:  ITHit.Collab.Card
Assembly:  ITHit.Collab (in ITHit.Collab.dll) Version: (
public interface ICard2 : IComponent, ICard<IDate2, IName2, IFormattedName2, IAddress2, IAddressLabel2, ITelephone2, IEmail2, INote2, IMedia2, IMedia2, IMedia2, ITimeZone2, IGeo2, ITitle2, IRole2, INickname, ICategories, IOrganization2, ICardUriProperty, IMedia2, ICardUriProperty, ICardMultiProperty2>, 

The ICard2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddresses
Specifies the delivery address(es).
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyAddressLabels
Specifies the formatted text corresponding to delivery address(es).
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyAgents
Specifies information about another person who will act on behalf of the individual or resource associated with the business card.
Public propertyBirthDate
Gets or sets the birth date of the object the business card represents.
Public propertyComponents
Dictionary of all calendar components. Empty for card object.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public propertyDelimiter
Object delimiter such as VCARD, VCALENDAR, VEVENT, VTODO, etc
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public propertyEmails
Specifies the electronic mail address for communication.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyFormattedNames
Specifies the formatted text corresponding to the name(s) of the object the business card represents.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyGeos
Specifies information related to the global positioning of the object.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyKeys
Specifies a public key or authentication certificate associated with this business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyLogos
Specifies an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyMailers
Specifies the type of electronic mail software that is used by the individual associated with the business card.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the components of the name of the object the business card represents.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyNotes
Specifies supplemental information or a comment(s).
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyOrganizations
Specifies the organizational name and units associated with this business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyPhotos
Specifies an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyProductId
Specifies the identifier for the product that created this business card or calendar.
(Inherited from ICollabObject.)
Public propertyProfile
Gets or sets a business card profile.
Public propertyProperties
Dictionary of all business card or calendar properties.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public propertyRevision
Specifies revision information about this business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyRoles
Specifies the function or part played in a particular situation by the object.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertySortString
Gets or sets a string that should be used when an application sorts this business card in some way.
Public propertySounds
Specifies a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertySources
Provides information about how to find the source for this business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyTelephones
Specifies the telephone number(s) for telephony communication.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyTimeZones
Specifies information related to the time zone of the object.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyTitles
Specifies the position or job of the object.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyUid
Gets or sets a globally unique identifier corresponding to the entity associated with the business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyUrls
Specifies a uniform resource locator associated with this business card.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public propertyVersion
Specifies the version of the business card or calendar specification.
(Inherited from ICollabObject.)
Public methodAddProperty
Adds property to Properties list. The property must be created by created by CreateRawProperty call.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public methodCreateCustomComponent
Creates a component that can be added to the list of components of this object.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public methodCreateProperty
Creates the property.
(Inherited from ICardTDate, TName, TFormattedName, TAddress, TAddressLabel, TTelephone, TEmail, TNote, TMedia, TLogo, TSound, TTimeZone, TGeo, TTitle, TRole, TNickname, TCategories, TOrganization, TUriProperty, TKey, TSource, TCardMultiProperty.)
Public methodCreateRawProperty
Creates property that can be added to the list of properties of this object.
(Inherited from IComponent.)
Public methodCreateTextProp
Creates ITextProperty property. Returns null if value parameter is null. Assign the value returned by this method to properties that has a ITextProperty type.
(Inherited from ICollabObject.)
See Also