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ITHit.Collab Namespace

IT Hit WebDAV Classes Reference
Contains classes and interfaces that are common for calendar and business card.
Public classDate
Represents date and time with a set of flags that mark which date and time parts are specified.
Public classExtendibleEnum
Represents extendable enum. Base class for telephone type, address type, etc.
Public classFormatter
Public classhFormatter
Serializes and deserializes business card and calendar objects to/from hCard/hCalendar format.
Public classInvalidLicenseException
Exception that indicates that the license is invalid.
Public classjFormatter
Serializes and deserializes business card objects and calendars to/from jCard/jCalendar (JSON) format.
Public classLicenseValidator
Validates license file.
Public classParameter
Represents business card or calendar property parameter.
Public classParameterList
Represents a list of property parameters.
Public classValuesAttribute
Represents attribute to be applied to static ExtendibleEnum properties to specify enam string and int values.
Public classvFormatter
Serializes and deserializes business card objects to/from vCard and calendars to/from iCalendar format.
Public classxFormatter
Serializes and deserializes business card objects and calendars to/from xCard/xCalendar (XML) format.
Public interfaceICalendarScale
Represents calendar system in which a date or date-time value is expressed.
Public interfaceICollabObject
Represents business card or calendar object.
Public interfaceIComponent
Represents calendar component as well as this is a base class for business card and calendar.
Public interfaceIDate
Represents date and time with a set of flags that mark which date and time parts are specified.
Public interfaceILanguage
Represents property language.
Public interfaceIMedia
Represents photo, logo and sound in case of a business card or attchment in case or a calendar.
Public interfaceIMediaType
Represents media type.
Public interfaceIProperty
Represents business card or calendar property.
Public interfaceIPropertyListT
Represents list of properties with the same name.
Public interfaceIRawProperty
Provides raw access to business card or calendar property.
Public interfaceITextProperty
Represents calendar or business card property which value is interpreted as text.
Public interfaceITextPropertyListT
List of properties that can be represented as a text, such as COMMENT.
Public interfaceIUriProperty
Represents business card or calendar property that can store URI.
Public enumerationDateComponents
Represents components of DateTime class. Used to test if any date or time component is present.